Cleveland Landscapers Blog
Landscape News, Tips and Advice
from H&M Landscaping

Cleveland Summertime Pastimes


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Business Development

Cleveland Area Landscapes & Activities to Enjoy During the Summertime Northeast Ohio summers involve taking advantage of the city's vibrant outdoor activities and events. Take in a Cleveland Guardians' game, explore the Metroparks for hiking, biking, or picnicking amidst scenic landscapes. Attend festivals like the Cleveland Metroparks' Edgewater LIVE for live music and food trucks by Lake Erie. Embrace the city's cultural offerings with visits to museums, outdoor concerts at the Cleveland Orchestra's Blossom Music Center, or enjoy local cuisine in the city's diverse neighborhoods.

How to Prevent Fungi during the Cleveland Summer


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Fungal Issues in your Yard Preventing fungal issues in your yard in Northeast Ohio involves a combination of good gardening practices aimed at reducing favorable conditions for fungal growth. Here are some tips to help prevent fungi:

1. Proper Plant Spacing and Air Circulation: Ensure plants are spaced adequately to allow for good air circulation. With Cleveland's hot humid summers, this will reduce that humidity around plants, which can promote fungal growth. Prune trees and shrubs to improve air flow.
2. Watering Practices: Water your plants early in the day to allow foliage to dry out before evening, which helps prevent fungal infections. Avoid overhead watering, especially in humid conditions, as it can promote fungal spore germination.
3. Healthy Soil: Maintain healthy soil by adding organic matter like compost. Healthy plants are less susceptible to fungal diseases. Test your soil periodically to ensure it has the right pH and nutrient balance for your plants.
4. Mulching: Use mulch to suppress weeds and maintain soil moisture, but avoid piling it up against plant stems, which can create a humid environment favorable to fungi. Use a thin layer of mulch and keep it away from plant bases.
5. Cleanliness: Remove and dispose of plant debris, fallen leaves, and spent flowers regularly. Fungal spores can overwinter in debris and infect plants the following year.
6. Rotate Crops: If you have a vegetable garden, practice crop rotation to prevent the buildup of soil-borne pathogens that can cause fungal diseases.
7. Disease-Resistant Plants: Choose plant varieties that are resistant to common fungal diseases in your area. This information can often be found on plant labels or through local gardening resources.
8. Avoiding Stress: Stressed plants are more susceptible to fungal infections. Ensure plants are not underwater stress or other environmental stressors.
9. Fungicides: As a last resort, consider using fungicides if fungal problems persist despite preventive measures. Choose a fungicide labeled for use on the specific plant and disease you are targeting and follow application instructions carefully.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of fungal diseases in your yard and keep your plants healthy throughout Northeast Ohio's growing season.

Adding Color to Your Cleveland Neighborhood


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Color Enhancements for your Property Using color strategically can greatly enhance your curb appeal by creating visual interest and highlighting architectural features. Consider painting the front door a bold, contrasting color to make a strong first impression. Planting colorful flowers or shrubs along pathways or in front beds adds vibrancy and charm. Additionally, using coordinating colors for window shutters, trim, and exterior accents can tie together the overall look of your Cleveland area home, making it more inviting and appealing from the street.

You'll want to choose plants that can tolerate Northeast Ohio's climate and provide vibrant colors. Here are five top choices:

1. Daylilies (Hemerocallis): These hardy perennials come in a variety of colors and thrive in Northeast Ohio's climate. They bloom profusely in midsummer and are low maintenance.
2. Coneflowers (Echinacea): Known for their daisy-like flowers with prominent cones, coneflowers are drought-tolerant once established and attract butterflies. They come in shades of purple, pink, and white.
3. Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia): These cheerful yellow flowers with dark centers bloom from midsummer to fall. They are drought-tolerant and attract pollinators, making them a popular choice for gardens in the Greater Cleveland Area.
4. Hydrangeas: Certain varieties of hydrangeas, such as 'Endless Summer' or 'Annabelle,' do well in Northeast Ohio's climate. They offer large, showy blooms in shades of blue, pink, or white, depending on soil pH.
5. Hostas: These shade-loving perennials are prized for their lush foliage in various shades of green, blue, and variegated patterns. They are easy to grow and provide texture and interest in garden beds.

These plants not only thrive in Northeast Ohio but also offer a range of colors to enhance your garden throughout the growing season.

Inexpensive Ideas to Transform your Northeast Ohio Yard


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance & Construction Divisions

Cleveland Area Landscape Ideas for Northeast Ohio Yards Transforming your yard doesn't have to break the bank! Here are some inexpensive ideas to spruce up your Cleveland area outdoor space:

1. DIY Planters and Raised Beds: Use recycled materials like old tires, wooden crates, or pallets to create unique planters or raised beds for flowers or vegetables.
2. Vertical Gardens: Utilize vertical space by installing a trellis or creating a vertical garden using hanging planters or repurposed items like shoe organizers or gutters.
3. Outdoor Seating Area: Create a cozy seating area using affordable outdoor furniture like second-hand chairs or benches, or even DIY seating with pallets and cushions.
4. Pathways and Walkways: Define pathways with inexpensive materials like gravel, mulch, or stepping stones. You can also create a mosaic pathway using broken tiles or pebbles.
5. Outdoor Lighting: Add charm with string lights or solar-powered lanterns. They're affordable, easy to install, and can transform the ambiance of your yard at night.
6. Repurpose and Upcycle: Look for items around your home that can be repurposed for the garden, such as old buckets as planters, tin cans as herb pots, or an old ladder as a vertical garden stand.
7. DIY Water Features: Create a small pond using a preformed liner or repurpose an old container as a fountain. Even a simple bird bath can add a refreshing touch.
8. Colorful Accents: Paint old furniture or pots in bright colors to add a pop of color to your yard. You can also use colorful outdoor rugs or cushions to liven up seating areas.
9. Grow Your Own: Start a small herb garden or grow vegetables in containers. Not only does it save money on groceries, but it also adds a fresh, green look to your yard.
10. Outdoor Art and Decor: Make your own garden art using materials like driftwood, stones, or metal scraps. Alternatively, shop at thrift stores or yard sales for affordable sculptures or decorations.
11. DIY Fire Pit: Build a simple fire pit using bricks or stones. It can serve as a focal point and a gathering spot for those cool Cleveland area evenings.
12. Wildlife Habitat: Plant flowers and shrubs native to Northeast Ohio to attract butterflies, bees, and birds. A bird feeder or a small pond can also encourage wildlife to visit your yard.

Cleveland Area Landscape Services for Northeast Ohio

Cleveland Area Landscape Outdoor Yard Renovations for your Home

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Installs Pools Northeast Ohio

Prepare Your Yard for Summer Storms


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Yard Maintenance Tips for Stormy Weather Northeast Ohio has had it's share of summer storms over the past week. Summer storms in the Cleveland area can bring heavy rainfall, strong winds, and even severe weather such as hail and lightning. These storms often develop rapidly, creating challenging conditions that can lead to flooding and property damage. While they can be refreshing and cool down high temperatures, it's essential to prepare your home and yard to minimize potential impacts. Staying informed about Cleveland weather alerts and having a plan in place can help ensure safety during these unpredictable events.

1. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Regularly prune trees and bushes to remove dead branches that could fall during storms and cause damage.
2. Secure Loose Items: Bring in or secure outdoor furniture, decorations, and garden tools to prevent them from becoming projectiles in high winds.
3. Clear Drains and Gutters: Ensure that gutters and drainage areas are free from debris to prevent flooding and water accumulation.
4. Check Soil Drainage: Assess your yard's drainage and consider adding channels or grading to redirect water away from your home's foundation.
5. Anchor Garden Structures: Reinforce any garden structures, such as trellises or gazebos, to withstand strong winds and heavy rain.
6. Create a Storm Kit: Assemble an emergency kit with essentials like flashlights, batteries, and first aid supplies to be ready for power outages or emergencies.
7. Inspect Fencing and Walls: Check for loose panels or bricks and repair any issues to prevent damage during storms.
8. Mulch and Aerate: Apply mulch to help with water absorption and aerate the soil to improve drainage and reduce erosion.

Concrete Can Upgrade Aesthetic Appeal
of your Northeast Ohio Property


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Construction Company Installs Concrete Pouring concrete can significantly enhance your home's functionality and aesthetic appeal. Whether for a driveway, patio, or walkway, concrete provides a durable, low-maintenance surface that can withstand the elements and our harsh Cleveland winters. It also allows for creative design options, including various finishes and colors that can complement your home's style. Additionally, well-placed concrete features can improve your outdoor living space, making it more inviting and usable for gatherings and leisure activities.

Our Cleveland Construction Division has a team dedicated to this type of work. Combined, they have many years of concrete experience in Northeast Ohio and bring quality and precision to every project!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Enhancemants for Northeast Ohio

Transform your Northeast Ohio Outdoor Space:
Essential Tips for Cleaning Yard Debris


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Yard Maintenance Tips Keeping your yard clear of debris is essential for maintaining a healthy and attractive outdoor space. Regularly removing fallen leaves, branches, and trash prevents potential pest infestations and promotes better air circulation for your plants. Many towns in the Cleveland area have a monthly pick up schedule for leaves and brush. Consider setting aside a specific day each week for yard cleanup to make it a routine habit. Additionally, using compost bins for organic waste can help reduce clutter while enriching your garden soil. A tidy yard not only looks good but also enhances the overall enjoyment of your outdoor environment.

1. Create a Cleanup Schedule: Set aside specific days each week or month for yard maintenance to stay consistent.
2. Use the Right Tools: Equip yourself with gloves, rakes, tarps, and a garbage bag or compost bin for efficient debris collection.
3. Start with Large Debris: Begin by removing larger items like branches and fallen limbs before tackling smaller debris like leaves and twigs.
4. Work in Sections: Divide your yard into sections and clean one area at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
5. Compost Organic Waste: Set up a compost bin for leaves and organic material to reduce waste and nourish your garden.
6. Incorporate Mulching: Use a mulcher to turn leaves and small branches into mulch, which can help enrich your soil.
7. Stay Safe: Always wear gloves and appropriate footwear to protect yourself from injuries while cleaning.
8. Check for Pests: Look for signs of pests or disease as you clean and address any issues promptly to protect your plants.

A tidy yard not only looks good but also enhances the overall enjoyment of your outdoor environment.

Cleveland Area Landscape Plant Design for Northeast Ohio

Thriving with Less: Low Maintenance Plants
that Require Little Water or Rain


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Plants that are Drought Tolerant Northeast Ohio summer weather can be inconsistent. It can be 95 degrees one day, with little to no precipitation or it can be breezy and 70 degrees making you hopeful for Fall. Choosing plants that thrive in Cleveland area weather conditions with less rain involves selecting species that are adapted to drought or can tolerate dry periods without much additional watering. Here are some great options:

1. Lavender (Lavandula spp.): Lavender is a drought-tolerant herb that thrives in sunny locations with well-draining soil. It requires minimal water once established and adds fragrance to your garden.
2. Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia): This perennial has aromatic silver-gray foliage and produces spikes of lavender-blue flowers. It's highly drought-tolerant and adds a soft, airy texture to the garden.
3. Sedum (Stonecrop): Sedums are succulent perennials that come in various forms and colors. They are extremely drought-tolerant and can thrive in poor soil conditions, making them ideal for dry climates.
4. Yarrow (Achillea spp.): Yarrow is a hardy perennial with feathery foliage and flat clusters of flowers in shades of white, yellow, pink, or red. It's drought-tolerant once established and attracts pollinators.
5. Agastache (Hyssop): Agastache is a perennial herb with aromatic leaves and spikes of tubular flowers in shades of blue, pink, or orange. It thrives in dry conditions and attracts bees and butterflies.
6. Echinacea (Coneflower): Echinacea is a perennial with bold, daisy-like flowers in shades of purple, pink, or white. It's drought-tolerant and adds color to the garden while attracting pollinators.
7. Penstemon (Beardtongue): Penstemon is a perennial with tubular flowers in various colors, including red, pink, purple, or white. It's well-suited to dry conditions and attracts hummingbirds.
8. Salvia (Sage): Salvia is a diverse genus of plants that includes both perennial and annual species. Many varieties are drought-tolerant and produce spikes of colorful flowers that attract pollinators.
9. Oregano (Origanum spp.): Oregano is a culinary herb with aromatic leaves and small clusters of pink or purple flowers. It's drought-tolerant and prefers well-draining soil.
10. Gaura (Butterfly Bush): Gaura is a perennial with delicate, wand-like stems and small, starry flowers in shades of pink or white. It's drought-tolerant and attracts butterflies to the garden.

When choosing plants for areas with less rain, it's essential to consider their water needs during the establishment phase. Once established, these plants typically require less water and can thrive with minimal additional irrigation, making them suitable for water-wise landscaping.

Creative Ways to Manage & Reuse
Garden Waste in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Composting Tips to Tidy Up Your Landscape Managing garden waste responsibly is essential for maintaining a tidy outdoor space and promoting sustainability in the Cleveland area. Here are several effective ways to handle garden waste:

1. Composting: Turn organic waste such as leaves, grass clippings, and plant trimmings into nutrient-rich compost. Compost can be used to improve soil quality and nourish plants in your garden.
2. Mulching: Use shredded garden waste as mulch around trees, shrubs, and garden beds. Mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.
3. Green Waste Bin: Many Cleveland municipalities provide green waste bins or bags for organic waste collection. This waste is then composted or processed into mulch by local authorities.
4. Community Composting: Some communities in Northeast Ohio have communal composting sites where residents can drop off their garden waste. Check if such facilities are available in your area.
5. Reuse in the Garden: Larger branches and twigs can be used as natural stakes or borders in the garden. Fallen leaves can be used as natural mulch or added to compost piles.
6. Burning: In some regions, burning garden waste may be allowed under certain regulations. Always check local ordinances and environmental guidelines before burning.
7. Donation: If you have excess plants, seeds, or garden tools in good condition that you no longer need, consider donating them to Cleveland area community gardens, schools, or neighbors.
8. DIY Projects: Get creative and repurpose garden waste into DIY projects such as garden art, trellises, or natural fencing.
9. Professional Collection Services: For large amounts of garden waste or tree trimmings, consider hiring a professional waste removal service that specializes in green waste disposal.

These tips can help you effectively manage garden waste while contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly environment.

Tranquil Waters in Northeast Ohio:
Water Features to Enhance Your Yard


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Construction Division

Cleveland Area Water Feature Installation for Landscapes in Northeast Ohio The Cleveland summer is here and what better way to enjoy your yard than with adding a water feature! Adding a water feature in your yard can provide numerous benefits, both aesthetic and practical. Here are some of the advantages:

1. Enhanced Aesthetics: Water features such as fountains, ponds, or waterfalls add a beautiful focal point to your yard, creating a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere. They can significantly enhance the overall visual appeal of your outdoor space.
2. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The sound of running water has a calming effect on the mind and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Sitting near a water feature and listening to the soothing sounds can provide therapeutic benefits.
3. Wildlife Attraction: Water features attract various forms of wildlife such as birds, butterflies, and even small mammals. They provide a water source for wildlife, making your yard a more inviting habitat.
4. Improved Air Quality: Water features can help improve air quality by releasing moisture into the air. This can be particularly beneficial in dry climates or urban areas with poor air quality.
5. Cooling Effect: The evaporation of water from a fountain or pond can create a cooling effect in the surrounding area, especially during hot summer months. This natural cooling can make outdoor spaces more comfortable.
6. Increase Property Value: Well-designed water features can increase the resale value of your Cleveland area property. They add a unique element that can attract potential buyers and make your home stand out in the real estate market.
7. Low Maintenance Options: Some water features, such as pondless waterfalls or self-contained fountains, require minimal maintenance compared to traditional ponds. They can be easier to manage while still providing the benefits of having water in your yard.
8. Educational Opportunities: If you have children or enjoy learning about nature, a water feature can serve as an educational tool. You can observe wildlife behavior, learn about aquatic plants, and explore the natural ecosystem that develops around the water feature.
9. Privacy and Masking Noise: Water features can help create a sense of privacy by masking unwanted noises from neighbors or nearby streets. The sound of running water can drown out background noise, creating a more peaceful environment.

Overall, adding a water feature to your yard can be a rewarding investment that enhances both the beauty and functionality of your outdoor living space.

Greening Your Grounds: Eco-Friendly
Sustainable Yard Landscaping Tips


H&M Landscaping, Cleveland Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Sustainable Yard & Lawn Landscaping Tips for Northeast Ohio Creating an eco-friendly lawn in Northeast Ohio involves practices that reduce environmental impact while maintaining a healthy and attractive outdoor space. Here are some tips to achieve that:

1. Choose native plants: Opt for grasses and plants that are native to your region. They are adapted to local climate conditions in the Cleveland area, require less water, and support local wildlife.
2. Water wisely: Water your lawn early in the morning to minimize evaporation. Use a soaker hose or drip irrigation to target water directly to the roots and avoid wastage.
3. Reduce chemical use: Limit or eliminate the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. These chemicals can leach into waterways and harm beneficial insects and wildlife.
4. Compost: Instead of chemical fertilizers, use compost to enrich the soil naturally. Compost improves soil structure, water retention, and provides nutrients to plants.
5. Mow high and often: Set your mower blade to a higher setting (around 3 inches) to promote deeper root growth and shade out weeds. Avoid mowing when the grass is wet to prevent disease spread.
6. Leave grass clippings: Let grass clippings decompose on the lawn (grasscycling). They return nutrients to the soil, reducing the need for fertilizer.
7. Plant trees and shrubs: Incorporate trees and shrubs native to Northeast Ohio into your landscape design. They provide shade, reduce erosion, and create habitats for birds and insects.
8. Use mulch: Around trees, shrubs, and garden beds, use organic mulch like wood chips or bark. Mulch retains moisture, suppresses weeds, and improves soil health as it decomposes.
9. Manage pests naturally: Encourage natural predators like birds and beneficial insects to control pests. Use physical barriers or natural repellents for persistent problems.
10. Rainwater harvesting: Install a rain barrel or cistern to collect rainwater for irrigation. This reduces reliance on Cleveland municipal water supplies and conserves resources.
11. Create biodiversity: Include a variety of plants to support pollinators and beneficial insects. Avoid monoculture lawns that require high inputs of water and chemicals.
12. Sustainable hardscaping: Choose eco-friendly materials for paths, patios, and other hardscape features. Materials like permeable pavers allow water to infiltrate the soil, reducing runoff.

By adopting these practices, you can create a lawn that is not only beautiful but also supports local ecosystems in Northeast Ohio and conserves resources.

Hope you had a Great 4th in Northeast Ohio
Restore your Yard to Pre-Party Conditions


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Yard & Lawn Landscaping Cleanup Tips for Your 4th of July Party Cleaning up after a 4th of July party can be efficient with these tips:

1. Start Early: Begin cleaning as soon as possible to prevent debris from accumulating or becoming more difficult to manage.
2. Designated Areas for Trash: Place clearly marked trash bags or bins in convenient locations during the party to encourage guests to dispose of their trash properly.
3. Recycle: Separate recyclables like bottles and cans from general waste to minimize environmental impact. There are many recycling centers in the Greater Cleveland Area.
4. Inspect for Safety: Check the yard for any hazardous items like spent fireworks or broken glass and dispose of them safely.
5. Restore Furniture and Decor: Clean and put away outdoor furniture, decorations, and any temporary structures like tents or canopies.
6. Lawn Care: If necessary, mow the lawn and water plants to restore the yard to its pre-party condition.
7. Final Inspection: Walk through the area one last time to ensure nothing is missed and the space is safe and tidy.

By following these steps, you can efficiently clean up after your 4th of July celebration and return your yard to its normal state.

Cleveland Area Landscapers Wish You a Happy July 4th 2024

Hardscape or Softscape? How to Transform your Yard


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Ideas: Hardscape and Softscape Options for your Yard With longer days of summer in Northeast Ohio, many of us are outside enjoying beautiful weather in the Cleveland area. As we spend more time outdoors, we think about making improvements in the yard but are unsure of which route to go.

Hardscape refers to the non-living, durable elements of landscaping such as paths, walls, and structures made from materials like stone, concrete, or wood. These elements provide structure and functionality to outdoor spaces.

Softscape, on the other hand, encompasses the living elements like plants, trees, and flowers that bring color, texture, and natural beauty to a landscape.

Balancing hardscape and softscape is key to creating a harmonious and functional outdoor environment. H&M Landscaping can help you design a well-balanced yard using both features to enhance your outdoor living environment.

Cleveland Area Landscaping Google and Facebook Reviews

It's a Holiday Week: How do you prepare?


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Night Landscape with Fireworks in the Sky Preparing for a yard holiday party involves several key steps to ensure a successful event. Start by cleaning and organizing the outdoor space, considering seating arrangements and decor that align with the holiday theme. It is a must to plan for weather contingencies, especially in the Northeast Ohio area, with tents and/or outdoor heaters in case of cold rainy weather. Prepare a festive menu that accommodates both dietary preferences and the outdoor setting. Finally, create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere with lighting, music, and seasonal touches to enhance the festive spirit. Stay safe Cleveland and enjoy your holiday!

Northeast Ohio Area Landscapers for Lawn Maintenance and Landscape Construction

Enhance Your Landscape with Bricks


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscapers Install Brick Hardscapes in Northeast Ohio There are so many options when it comes to upgrading your yard. For aesthetic purposes you can add color by planting flowers, constructing an outdoor living space or even installing a pool. Bricks are a great way to significantly enhance the aesthetic and functionality of your yard. H&M Landscaping has been installing brick hardscapes in the Greater Cleveland Area and Northeast Ohio area for over 35 years. Here are several ways to utilize brick effectively:

1. Pathways and Walkways: Create durable and visually appealing pathways using brick pavers. Choose from various patterns such as herringbone, basketweave, or running bond to complement your landscape design.
2. Patio or Terrace: Build a patio or terrace with brick pavers to provide a stable and elegant outdoor living space. This can be a great area for dining, lounging, or entertaining guests.
3. Retaining Walls: Construct retaining walls using brick to define garden beds, terrace sloped areas, or create seating walls around a patio. Brick's strength and durability make it ideal for such structural purposes.
4. Edging for Garden Beds: Use brick as an edging material for garden beds to provide a clean and defined border between lawn and garden areas. This helps to prevent grass from encroaching into your flower beds.
5. Outdoor Fireplace or Fire Pit: Build an outdoor fireplace or fire pit using brick to warm up those chilly Cleveland nights and provide a cozy and inviting focal point in your yard. Brick's heat-resistant properties make it a safe and durable choice for these features.
6. Decorative Accents: Incorporate brick as decorative accents, such as pillars, columns, or archways, to add architectural interest to your landscape design.
7. Water Features: Use brick to construct the base or surround of a water fountain or pond for a classic and enduring look.
8. Raised Planters: Build raised planters or garden boxes with brick to create elevated planting areas for vegetables, herbs, or flowers. This adds dimension and interest to your yard while making gardening more accessible.

When utilizing brick in your yard, consider its color, texture, and pattern to harmonize with your home's architecture and existing landscape. Proper installation and maintenance will ensure that your brick features remain attractive and functional for years to come.

Cleveland Area Landscaping Building Owners and Management Association Golf Outing

Transforming Your Lawn with Every Bloom!


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Plants and Planters for Summer Color Autumn in Northeast Ohio is known for it's beautiful fall colors, but you can enjoy those colors in summer as well. What better way to transform your yard than by adding colorful plantings and flower planters. These additions can greatly enhance your yard and even your mood! Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Choose Vibrant Plants: Select flowers and foliage that bloom in various seasons and grow well in the Cleveland area to ensure year-round color. Consider a mix of annuals and perennials for continuous blooms.
2. Planter Selection: Use a variety of planters in different sizes and materials (such as ceramic, terra cotta, or even recycled materials) to add visual interest. Hanging baskets and window boxes can also maximize space.
3. Color Coordination: Coordinate plant and flower colors with your existing landscaping to create a cohesive look. Consider complementary or contrasting colors to make a bold statement.
4. Placement: Strategically place planters and pots around your yard, patio, or garden beds to create focal points or define spaces. Grouping planters together can create a lush garden feel.
5. Seasonal Rotation: Update planters seasonally with appropriate plants and flowers to keep your yard looking fresh throughout the year. For example, use bulbs for spring, annuals for summer, and ornamental grasses for fall.
6. Maintenance: Regularly water and fertilize plants in containers as they often need more frequent care than those in the ground. Deadhead flowers encourage continuous blooming.
7. Creative Accents: Consider adding decorative elements like garden statues, decorative rocks, or outdoor art pieces that complement your planters and enhance the overall aesthetic.

By incorporating these elements thoughtfully, you can transform your yard into a vibrant and inviting space that showcases your personal style and enhances curb appeal.

Lawn Bed Landscape Maintenance Tips


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Lawn Bed Maintenance As we progress through Spring and Summer in the Cleveland area, lawn bed maintenance should be at the forefront of your lawncare routine. Maintaining lawn beds involves several key tasks to ensure their health and appearance:

1. Regular Mowing: Keep grass at the recommended height for its type to promote strong root growth.
2. Weeding: Remove weeds promptly to prevent them from competing with grass for nutrients and space.
3. Watering: Provide consistent, deep watering to encourage deep root growth. Adjust frequency based on current weather conditions for Northeast Ohio.
4. Fertilizing: Apply fertilizer as needed, following soil test recommendations, to ensure balanced nutrient levels.
5. Aeration: Aerating the soil periodically helps improve air circulation, water penetration, and nutrient absorption.
6. Overseeding: Fill in thin or bare spots by overseeding with appropriate grass seed for your Ohio region.
7. Dethatching: Remove excess thatch buildup to prevent it from blocking water and nutrients from reaching the roots.
8. Pest Control: Monitor for pests and diseases, taking appropriate action if necessary to prevent damage.
9. Edge Maintenance: Keep lawn edges neat and defined to enhance the overall appearance of the lawn beds.
10. Seasonal Care: Adjust maintenance practices seasonally (e.g., winterizing, spring cleanup) to support healthy growth year-round.

Regular monitoring and timely intervention are crucial to maintaining vibrant and healthy lawn beds with unpredictable Cleveland area weather patterns.

Mastering Summer Yard Care


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Lawn Care Services The Northeast Ohio summer heat is bearing down on us! We want to make sure you have the essentials to keep your yard healthy through Cleveland's hot summer months.


1. Mow regularly: Keep your grass at an appropriate height to promote healthy growth and discourage weeds.
2. Fertilize as needed: Provide essential nutrients to support your lawn's health during the growing season.
3. Inspect for pests and diseases: Monitor your yard regularly for signs of pests or diseases and take appropriate action.
4. Prune and trim: Maintain shrubs, bushes, and trees to keep your yard tidy and promote growth.


1. Over-mow: Avoid cutting your grass too short, as this can weaken the lawn and make it more susceptible to heat stress.
2. Neglect watering: Ensure your lawn receives sufficient water, especially during dry spells, to prevent browning and stress.
3. Use too much fertilizer: Follow recommended guidelines to avoid damaging your lawn or contributing to environmental issues.
4. Ignore soil health: Pay attention to soil quality and consider aerating or adding compost to improve nutrient absorption.

These guidelines will help you maintain a healthy and vibrant yard throughout the summer months.

Cleveland Area Landscaping First Day of Summer

The Dos & Don'ts of Lawn Hydration


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Irrigation Installation Services
Northeast Ohio, Summer is here!!! During periods of intense heat, watering your lawn is crucial to maintaining its health and vibrancy. Adequate hydration helps prevent grass from drying out and becoming brown or patchy. It's important to water deeply and early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation and ensure the water reaches the roots where it's most needed.


1. Water deeply: Ensure the water penetrates the soil to reach the roots.
2. Water early or late: Opt for cooler times of the day to minimize evaporation.
3. Factor in Cleveland weather forecast: Increase watering during hot spells and decrease during rainy periods.
4. Use sprinklers or irrigation systems: Ensure even distribution of water across the lawn.


1. Water during the hottest part of the day: This leads to water loss through evaporation.
2. Overwater: Excessive watering can drown roots and promote diseases.
3. Forget to monitor soil moisture: Check soil moisture levels regularly to adjust watering frequency.
4. Neglect proper lawn care: Good overall lawn maintenance supports healthy hydration practices.

Cleveland Area Backyard Landscapes by H&M Landscaping

Beat the Heat this Summer
Cleveland Area Pool Installs


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Pool Installation with Water Slide for your Backyard Landscape The weather in Cleveland can be unpredictable, but one thing is for sure, warmer temperatures are always around the corner. When temperatures start to heat up, we think about cookouts, backyard bonfires, and cooling off with a dip in the pool.

Building a pool in your backyard is a refreshing way to beat the heat during hot summer days. It provides a convenient and private oasis where you can cool off and relax with friends and family. Additionally, having a pool at home saves you the hassle of traveling to crowded public pools, allowing for spontaneous dips whenever you need to cool down.

H&M Landscaping has an expansive portfolio of installing swimming pools in the Greater Cleveland Area. Whether it is your typical rectangular pool or something more elaborate like additions such as a man-made rockslide or rope swing, we have done it! If you are thinking of taking the "plunge" into adding a pool to your backyard, give us a call for options and a free quote.

Fire Up the Fun: H&M Landscaping's
Ultimate July 4th Lawn Ready Checklist


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Yard & Lawn Landscaping Tips for Your 4th of July Party The Fourth of July is around the corner! Here's a checklist to ensure your yard is ready for July 4th festivities:

1. Lawn Maintenance: Mow the lawn a day or two before to ensure a neat appearance.

2. Weeding: Remove any weeds from flower beds, pathways, and lawn edges.

3. Trimming: Trim hedges, bushes, and trees to tidy up the yard.

4. Patio/Deck Cleaning: Sweep and clean your patio or deck to create a welcoming space for guests.

5. Outdoor Furniture: Arrange outdoor furniture such as tables, chairs, and umbrellas for seating and shade.

6. Grill Prep: Clean your grill and ensure you have enough propane or charcoal for cooking.

7. Decorations: Add patriotic decorations like American flags, a Cleveland Guardians banner, and bunting to create a festive atmosphere.

8. Bug Control: Set up citronella candles or torches to ward off mosquitoes and other pests.

9. Outdoor Lighting: Check and replace any outdoor light bulbs to ensure adequate illumination for evening celebrations.

10. Safety Precautions: Ensure pathways are well-lit and clear of obstacles to prevent accidents and have a first aid kit handy.

11. Entertainment: Set up games like cornhole, horseshoes, or a volleyball net for outdoor fun.

12. Refreshments: Stock up on drinks, ice, and snacks for your guests to enjoy.

13. Music: Create a playlist of patriotic tunes to add to the ambiance of your celebration.

14. Fireworks Safety: If planning to use fireworks, follow local regulations for the Cleveland area, general safety guidelines, and have a designated area for fireworks away from flammable materials.

15. Trash Receptacles: Place trash bins strategically around the yard to encourage guests to dispose of their waste properly.

By following this checklist, you'll ensure your yard is prepped and ready for a fantastic July 4th celebration with family and friends!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Helps Our Community Plant Tree

Let H&M Landscaping Transform Your
Backyard into an Entertainment Oasis


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Backyard BBQ, Kitchen & Landscape Adds Value to Your Property Building up your backyard for entertainment transforms it into a versatile space for hosting gatherings and creating lasting memories with family and friends. Whether it's a cozy barbecue or a lively outdoor party, having a well-equipped backyard enhances the overall enjoyment of social gatherings. Additionally, investing in outdoor entertainment amenities adds value to your property, making it not only a personal retreat but also an attractive feature for potential Cleveland area buyers if you decide to sell in the future.

Whether is an outdoor kitchen, patio, Bocce Ball court, putting name it! H&M Landscaping can (and has) done it. We can make your vision a reality!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Employees Enjoying Pig Roast Together

Lawn Hydration: H&M Landscaping's Guide
to Watering Your Lawn for Lush Greenery


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Irrigation & Watering of Your Lawn Watering your lawn is essential for maintaining its health and appearance. The Northeast Ohio climate receives an inch of rain each week on average - but sometimes we can go weeks without a drop during our hot Cleveland summers. Adequate hydration ensures that grass roots can access necessary nutrients and stay vibrant, promoting lush growth and preventing wilting or browning. Proper watering also helps regulate soil temperature and minimizes stress on the grass, contributing to a resilient and attractive lawn landscape.

Below is our checklist of how to ensure your lawn is properly watered:

1. Soil Moisture: Check the soil moisture by inserting a screwdriver or a soil moisture meter. If it feels dry about 2-3 inches below the surface, it's time to water.

2. Grass Appearance: Look for signs of stress such as wilting or a bluish-gray hue in the grass blades. If your grass doesn't bounce back after being stepped on, it likely needs water.

3. Footprint Test: Step on the grass; if your footprint remains visible instead of springing back, it's a sign that the grass needs water.

4. Time of Day: Water early in the morning, preferably before 10 a.m., to minimize evaporation and allow the grass to dry before evening, which reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

5. Weather Conditions: Adjust watering frequency based on weather conditions. Hot, dry weather may require more frequent watering, while cooler or rainy periods may require less.

6. Watering Schedule: Establish a consistent watering schedule, typically 1-1.5 inches of water per week, depending on soil type and climate. Deep, infrequent watering encourages deep root growth and drought resistance.

7. Observation: Regularly observe your lawn for signs of overwatering, such as pooling water, fungus growth, or soggy soil, and adjust your watering routine accordingly.

Happy Watering Cleveland!

Cleveland Area Summer National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Budget Friendly Beautification
for the Cleveland Area


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Maintenance and Budget Friendly Beautification Transform your yard affordably by focusing on simple yet impactful changes. Consider adding mulch to flower beds and around trees to create a tidy appearance and retain moisture. Opt for perennial plants that require minimal maintenance and provide long-lasting beauty. Incorporate decorative elements such as DIY steppingstones or recycled materials like pallets for unique and budget-friendly touches that enhance the visual appeal of your landscape.

H&M Landscaping is a top tier landscaper in the Cleveland area - let our managers help you plan, design and maintain your creation!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Job Positions for Northeast Ohio

Hey Cleveland - Be the Talk of
your Northeast Ohio Neighborhood


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Best Practices in Landscaping Yard Maintenance To have the best yard on the block, start by ensuring proper maintenance such as regular mowing, trimming, and weeding. Invest in high-quality soil and fertilizers to promote healthy growth of plants and grass. Add variety with colorful flowers, shrubs, and trees, and consider incorporating features like a well-designed patio or a charming garden path to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal. Regularly update and maintain your yard to keep it looking fresh and inviting throughout all of our Northeast Ohio seasons.

H&M Landscaping is the premier landscaper for the Cleveland area and has top-notch resources, equipment, and personnel to help you create and maintain the best yard on your block!

Backyard Summer Landscape Design in the Cleveland Area

Northeast Ohio Smiling Landscapers in the Cleveland Area

Crafting Your Dream Backyard
H&M Landscaping Can Make it Happen


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Design & Build Backyard Patios, Deck & Outdoor Kitchen Construction Utilizing H&M Landscaping for your backyard can streamline the process of transforming your outdoor space into a functional and aesthetically pleasing area. From designing and building custom features like patios, decks, or outdoor kitchens to handling complex landscaping projects, H&M is the premier construction company in the Cleveland area that offers expertise and resources to bring your vision to life. By entrusting professionals with the project, you can ensure proper planning, efficient execution, and adherence to safety standards, ultimately saving time and effort while achieving the desired results for your backyard oasis. Here at H&M Landscaping, we enjoy seeing projects come to life from beginning to end!

Northeast Ohio Landscape Bed Enhancements & Mulch Installation

The Art of Plant Installations
Let H&M Landscaping Help You


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Plant Installation Services Plant installation for our projects in the Greater Cleveland Area is a process of setting up various types of vegetation, whether indoors or outdoors, for decorative, functional, or ecological purposes. It all starts with selecting suitable plants based on the environmental conditions for our Northeast Ohio climate. Next steps include preparing the soil, or growing medium, placing the plants in their designated locations, and ensuring proper care such as watering, fertilizing, and pruning as needed. Effective plant installation can enhance aesthetic appeal, improve air quality, and contribute to overall well-being by creating green spaces. Whether for landscaping projects, interior design, or ecological restoration efforts, thoughtful plant installation plays a crucial role in shaping environments. H&M Landscaping can help create and maintain your colorful and lush plant installation, call us today to get on our schedule for the Cleveland area!

Choose H&M Landscaping to
Plan & Build Your Backyard Oasis


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Plan Design & Build Backyard Installation Choosing a professional landscaping company in Northeast Ohio for your backyard installation ensures expert guidance and execution, resulting in a stunning outdoor space tailored to your vision and needs. Professionals bring years of experience, knowledge of local conditions in the Cleveland area, and access to high-quality materials, guaranteeing a durable and aesthetically pleasing outcome. From concept design to construction, their attention to detail and adherence to timelines ensure a smooth and stress-free experience, allowing you to enjoy your new backyard oasis with confidence and pride.

Call us today to start the quoting process with an experienced Construction Manager.

Northeast Ohio Landscaping Jobs for the Cleveland Area

Maximize Landscape Health with a
Professional Irrigation System


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Irrigation Installation Services Installing irrigation systems at home offers several benefits, including:

1. Water Conservation: Irrigation systems can be programmed to deliver precise amounts of water directly to plants' root zones, minimizing water waste compared to manual watering methods like hoses or sprinklers.

2. Convenience: Automated irrigation systems save time and effort by eliminating the need for manual watering. You can set schedules based on plant needs and the current Cleveland weather conditions such as rainfall, ensuring consistent watering without constant supervision.

3. Plant Health: Proper hydration is crucial for plant health. Irrigation systems deliver water evenly and efficiently, reducing the risk of overwatering or underwatering, which can stress plants and make them more susceptible to diseases and pests.

4. Increased Property Value: Increased Property Value: Well-maintained landscapes with efficient irrigation systems can enhance the curb appeal and overall value of your Cleveland area property. Potential buyers often view irrigation systems as desirable features that indicate a well-cared-for garden or lawn.

5. Customization: Modern irrigation systems offer programmable features such as zone control, drip irrigation, and rain sensors, allowing homeowners to tailor watering schedules and methods to the specific needs of different plants and areas of the landscape.

Overall, installing an irrigation system at home can promote water conservation, simplify maintenance, and contribute to a healthier and more beautiful outdoor environment.

Cleveland Area Landscaping Paving Front Walks

Adding a Green Canopy to
Your Northeast Ohio Property


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Tree and Planting Installation Adding trees to your Cleveland area property not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also brings numerous benefits to the environment and inhabitants. Trees provide shade, reduce air pollution, increase property value, and offer habitats for wildlife. Careful selection of tree species based on our Northeast Ohio climate, soil type, and space available ensures their successful growth and longevity, contributing to a greener, healthier, and more vibrant property landscape.

H&M Landscaping will meticulously hand-pick the trees to ensure you get the best of the best in the Cleveland area. From delivery to installation, our experienced team will ensure you get green, lush coverage to enjoy all season long.

Making a Splash in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Backyard Pool Installation Integrating a pool into your backyard can transform it into a private oasis, ideal for cooling off on hot days and creating lasting memories with family and friends. Careful planning is crucial to ensure the pool complements the existing landscape and meets your lifestyle needs. Consider factors such as the size and shape of the pool, landscaping elements, safety features, and budget to create a harmonious and functional outdoor space that you'll enjoy for years to come.

Cleveland Area Best Landscaping Services Company

Greening Your Space: Elevating Your Lawn
with Softscape Design in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Softscape & Lawn Installation Incorporating softscape elements into your lawn can transform it into a lush and inviting outdoor oasis. By adding a variety of plants, trees, shrubs, and flowers, you can enhance the visual appeal of your yard while also providing habitat for local wildlife and improving air quality in the Cleveland area. Softscape elements also introduce texture, color, and fragrance to your outdoor space, creating a more dynamic and enjoyable environment for relaxation and recreation. Whether you're aiming for a manicured garden or a wildflower meadow, thoughtful softscape design can elevate the beauty and functionality of your lawn.

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Installs Outdoor Tiki Bars

Enhancing Outdoor Charm: The Art of Stonework in Your Yard


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Stonework & Hardscape Installation Adding stonework to your yard can significantly enhance its aesthetic appeal and functionality. Whether it's a pathway, patio, or retaining wall, carefully selected stones can lend a timeless elegance and natural charm to your outdoor space. Additionally, stonework often requires minimal maintenance and can withstand the extremes in weather conditions we see in Cleveland - making it a durable and long-lasting landscaping option.

Here, at H & M Landscaping, our Construction team is ready to help you pave your way to the talk of your Northeast Ohio neighborhood!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Lawn Maintenance Services

Why Hire H&M Landscaping to Install Your Mulch?


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Mulch Installation Services In Northeast Ohio, it is imperative to have your mulch installed prior to Memorial Day, to reap the full benefits. Having a landscape company install your mulch can offer several benefits.

1. Expertise: Landscape professionals have experience and knowledge in selecting the right type of mulch for your specific needs, considering factors like plant health, aesthetics, and local climate conditions.

2. Efficiency: Landscape companies have the necessary equipment and manpower to complete mulch installation quickly and efficiently, saving you time and effort.

3. Proper Installation: Professional landscapers know how to properly prepare the area before mulching, ensuring that weeds are removed, the soil is adequately moistened, and the mulch is applied evenly and at the correct depth.

4. Customization: A landscape company can tailor the mulch installation to your preferences, whether you're looking for a specific type of mulch, a certain aesthetic, or additional landscaping services like edging or bed preparation.

5. Maintenance Services: Many landscape companies offer ongoing maintenance services, including mulch replenishment, weeding, and bed edging, to keep your landscaping looking its best throughout the year.

Insurance and Guarantees: Reputable landscape companies are typically insured, providing liability coverage in case of accidents or damage during the installation process. Some companies also offer guarantees on their workmanship, giving you peace of mind knowing that the job will be done right.

Time is running out to get on the schedule prior to Memorial Day. Call us today!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Safety Training

Hot Days, Cool Nights in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Fire Pit Installation for Northeast Ohio Cleveland has the best of both worlds, hot summer days and cool, chill nights. How do you combat the chill? Install an outdoor fire pit. A fire pit transforms a home into a cozy gathering space, inviting friends and family to gather around its warm glow. It serves as a focal point for outdoor entertainment, fostering memorable evenings filled with laughter and conversation. Beyond its practical warmth, a fire pit adds an element of ambiance and charm to any backyard or patio, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the property. Its versatility allows for year-round enjoyment, whether roasting marshmallows in the summer or sipping hot cocoa in the winter. Ultimately, a fire pit extends the usable living space of a home, creating an inviting outdoor retreat for relaxation and enjoyment.

Lawn Maintenance Tips for Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Lawn Care Services for Northeast Ohio Fluctuating weather in the Greater Cleveland Area and Northeast Ohio poses challenges for lawn care companies as they must adapt their services to changing conditions. Sudden temperature shifts, heavy rainfall, or drought can affect grass growth and health, requiring adjustments in mowing schedules, irrigation practices, and treatment plans. Lawn care companies may also offer specialized services such as overseeding or aeration to help lawns withstand the impact of unpredictable weather patterns.

H & M Landscaping can assist to create a conducive plan to ensure your lawn is lush for the season!

H&M Landscaping Cleveland Area Employment

Lawn Maintenance Tips for Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Northeast Ohio Lawn Maintenance Tips for the Cleveland Area Lawn care requires consistent attention to several key tasks, but can be challenging with our crazy Cleveland weather. Regular mowing at the appropriate height helps to maintain a neat appearance and encourages healthy grass growth. Proper watering, preferably in the early morning, ensures that the lawn receives adequate moisture without promoting disease. Additionally, periodic fertilization and weed control treatments help to nourish the grass and keep unwanted plants at bay, resulting in a lush and green lawn.

Here, at H & M Landscaping, we do it all from lawn care and fertilization to weed control for our customers in Northeast Ohio. We will help you maintain your lawn all season long. There is still time to get on our route schedule for the Cleveland area. Call today to start service!

Cleveland Area Landscape Company Best Landscaping Maintenance Services

H&M Landscaping Gives Back to the Cleveland Community


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscaping Company in Northeast Ohio helps with Cleveland Community Service We were thrilled to stand alongside the Cleveland Clinic and Fairfax Renaissance Development Corporation in Northeast Ohio for a day of community service in Cleveland's Fairfax neighborhood. With the help of over 30 volunteers, including teams from Case Western Reserve University and Meijer stores, we tackled overgrown grass, pruned trees, and cleaned up litter to beautify our Cleveland community. Together, we made a tangible difference.

Proud to be part of such an impactful initiative!

Lawn Maintenance Is Crucial, Let H&M Landscaping Help You


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscaping Company in Cleveland Area Provides Lawn Maintenance for Northeast Ohio Lawn maintenance is the art of nurturing green expanses into verdant carpets of perfection, requiring dedication and attention to detail. From regular mowing and watering to diligent weed control and fertilization, each task contributes to the health and beauty of the outdoor sanctuary.

Let H&M Landscaping help maintain your lawn this year. In the Best Landscaping Services Company catagory for Cleveland Ohio (, you and your lawn will be the envy of your Northeast Ohio neighborhood.

H&M Landscaping Installs Pools in the Cleveland Area

Spruce Up Your Backyard for the Northeast Ohio Summer Nights


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscaping Company in Cleveland Installs Backyard Patios for Northeast Ohio Outdoor patios offer a delightful fusion of relaxation and conviviality, providing an inviting space for socializing, dining, or simply unwinding amidst nature's embrace. Whether nestled within bustling urban landscapes in Cleveland or secluded in tranquil countryside settings of Northeast Ohio, these al fresco havens beckon with their charm and versatility. Adorned with vibrant flora, cozy seating arrangements, and perhaps the comforting glow of string lights, they evoke an ambiance of laid-back elegance. From morning coffee rituals to lively evening gatherings under the stars, outdoor patios seamlessly transition between intimate moments of solitude and vibrant celebrations, serving as cherished extensions of home and community alike.

Our Construction Team is second to none and will make your vison a reality. Our summer fills up quickly. Call us today for a quote, (440) 564-1157.



Posted by H & M Landscaping on Monday, April 1, 2024

H&M Landscaping Mulched Landscape Beds Cleveland Area

H&M Landscaping Services Company in Northeast Ohio

Stamped Concrete Patios in Cleveland


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscaping Company Installs Stamped Concrete for the Cleveland Area Looking to spruce up your outdoor patio? Have you ever thought of installing stamped concrete? Stamped concrete is a low maintenance solution to bring your patio back to life! Stamped concrete can be more affordable than natural stone, brick, or pavers. Are you interested in a specific design? Stamped concrete can be customized, too! It can resemble natural and cobblestone, slate, word planks and can include designs, such as flowers.

H & M Landscaping can design and install all types of landscape projects in the Cleveland area. Call us today for a quote!

H&M Landscaping Design Company in the Cleveland Area

Let Us Help Your Dreams Come True


Melissa Sykes, Director of Administration

Landscaping Company Services in the Cleveland Area Cleveland spring is officially here! This is the perfect time to start planning for your backyard oasis. Whether your dream oasis is small or large, H&M Landscaping can help you make it a reality. H&M Landscaping will work with you to ensure that your budget and needs are met.

We offer a wide range of services that include outdoor living spaces, pool installations, low voltage lighting, privacy plant set ups...the list goes on and on! H&M Landscaping has some of the best experts in the Cleveland area.

As the temperatures continue to warm up, now is the time to reach out and start the quoting process. We look forward to making your dreams come true!

H&M Landscaping Provides Northeast Ohio Property Maintenance

Landscape Design in the Cleveland Area


H&M Landscaping Design Team

Cleveland Landscaping Design Company In partnership with Otero Signature Homes, H&M Landscaping will be featured in their annual publication for the Cleveland area. We work alongside Otero Signature Homes project managers to make homeowners vision come to life. H&M Landscaping designers are highly skilled in developing a unique landscape plan based on the wants and needs of its clients. They have the talent and experience to transform any outdoor living space into one of its award-winning projects. H&M Landscaping uses a variety of quality manufacturered products for the construction phase, then backs up its design/build installations with maintenance packages designed especially for clients homes or businesses. The process starts with listening to clients thoughts and assisting with a layout that encompasses their ideas in addition to advice from one of H&M Landscaping's experienced consultants. Clients can leave the material decisions to H&M Landscaping to provide options. H&M Landscaping presents its designs in an easy-to-understand, topographical CAD design or photo image that can show projects from a 2-D or 3-D view in full color. After any necessary changes are made and the design is confirmed, H&M Landscaping's highly qualified landscape industry-certified installers begin making its clients dreams a reality. Have a project in mind? Call us so that we can make your dream come true!

Cleveland Landscaping Design Company

H&M Landscaping is Ready to Serve You!


Melissa Sykes, Director of Administration

Landscaping Company Positions in the Cleveland Area Last week marked the arrival of our H2B employees into Cleveland. This group of guys is integral to our success! Once they arrive in Northeast Ohio, they are ready to work. Their motivation, experience and tenure with our company is second to none. From carpentry, construction to lawn maintenance, you will see them all around the Greater Cleveland Area working diligently servicing the best customers in Northeast Ohio...YOU!

If you are looking to become a customer, we still have routes open for YOU. Call us to get a quote at (440) 564-1157.


H&M Landscapers Watch Cleveland Area Eclipse

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company in Northeast Ohio

Cleveland Area Landscaping Services in Northeast Ohio

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Cleveland's H&M Landscaping: We are a Team


Melissa Sykes, Director of Administration

Landscaping Team Workers in the Cleveland Area Spring time is near!

We love this time of year for so many reasons, sunny days, warmer temperatures, longer days but for us, here at H&M Landscaping, it also means the arrival of our H2B employees. With them accounted for, our entire team is whole!

Every year, we have the pleasure of welcoming our "guys" back to Northeast Ohio for the season that lies ahead. Many of our H2B employees have been with us for many, many years, so they have become family. They all work very hard and diligently to ensure that our customers receive the utmost best service possible. And, along the way, we shower them the "American Way", by having team appreciation events, such as attending a Cleveland Guardians Game, hosting food truck events and even a pig roast!

At the end of the day, "We are H&M" because of all our employees, including our H2B employees. If you see one of our team members, make sure to give them a great big will make their day!

Building Blocks for a Successful Season


Steve Petersen, Director of Construction

Landscaping Contractors Construction Projects in the Cleveland Area As the new season approaches, the construction division is looking forward to new projects in the Greater Cleveland Area. The team is comprised of the best construction managers in Northeast Ohio. Their dedication, hard work, and collaborative spirit continues to shape the division into a force to be reckoned with.

Highlights of the year:

1. Building Success - Our team's collective efforts have propelled us to new heights on our projects. We've overcome challenges, celebrated victories, and demonstrated the true strength of teamwork.

2. Employee Excellence - H&M would like to congratulate Tyler Weil as our rookie of the year. He has been a standout performer. His dedication and exemplary work embodies the spirit of excellence that defines our division.

3. Projects - As a team, we have produced some of the best work in Northeast Ohio. Ranging from pools, pavilions, patios, outdoor kitchens, and beautifully designed plantings.

4. Benefit of H&M - We are a design, build, and maintenance team. We can make your landscaping dreams come true!

Looking Forward - We're confident that our division will continue to achieve greatness and consistently exceed our customers' expectations.

Almost Springtime for the Greater Cleveland Area


Dave Knaus, Director of Maintenance Operations

Landscaping Company Spring Services in the Cleveland Area As the days grow longer and our Cleveland area weather warms, anticipation builds for the start of the landscaping season. Enthusiastic homeowners and professional landscapers alike, eagerly anticipate the opportunity to rejuvenate and refine outdoor spaces.

With the turn of spring, the promise of lush, verdant lawns and meticulously manicured landscapes ignites a sense of purpose and determination. Plans are drawn, equipment is prepared, and visions of vibrant greenery dance in the mind's eye. From aerating and fertilizing to mowing and edging, each task holds the promise of transforming dull Cleveland winter landscapes into vibrant outdoor sanctuaries. The start of a new lawn maintenance season brings with it the thrill of renewal and the satisfaction of nurturing nature's beauty back to life.

H&M looks forward to another season of serving our loyal customers here in Northeast Ohio.

Cleveland Area Spring Landscape Projects


Mark Barker, Vice President of Sales

Landscaping Services Spring Projects in the Cleveland Area Spring landscape projects offer an array of opportunities for Cleveland area homeowners and gardening enthusiasts alike. Winter has neared the end in Northeast Ohio and spring has sprung! Nurseries, garden centers, and landscaping companies typically start to advertise services - reminding us, it's time to start thinking about the exterior of our homes and businesses.

From flowering plants and shrubs to special packages for lawn care and outdoor renovations, H&M Landscaping can cater to all your needs. Whether individuals seek to revitalize their outdoor spaces with colorful blooms, upgrade their hardscaping features, or simply cleanup winter debris and apply a fresh coat of mulch, the spring season is a great time for landscaping projects!

At H&M Landscaping, we offer expert advice and guidance to help customers make informed decisions and achieve their desired aesthetic and functional goals. With the promise of warmer weather on it's way to the Greater Cleveland Area and longer days ahead, spring landscaping serves as a gateway to transforming outdoor spaces into beautiful and relaxing settings for you and your family to enjoy for years to come.

Cleveland Area Landscaping Design Build Services

Landscaping Company Cleveland Area Design Build Services

Northeast Ohio Properties: Commercial Landscaping


Mark Mazzurco, H&M Landscaping President

Landscaping Company Cleveland Area Commercial Maintenance

Connecting With Customers Through Your Corporate Appearance

4 landscaping strategies to consider at your commercial property

Corporate appearance makes a loud and clear visual statement to your team and clients before they even enter your facility. Customers want to partner with Cleveland area companies that care about the environment, care about details, and care about their property's appearance. All these cares can be subconsciously addressed in the overall appearance of your grounds. A well planned and designed landscape using seasonality, texture layering, lighting and sustainability can make a considerable difference to your corporate facade.

1. Seasonality: Proper utilization of evergreens, shrubs, and trees, along with seasonal color by combining annuals and perennials, can allow a corporate landscape to have visual interest 12 months out of the year. Your property will stand out while others will not.

2. Texture Layering: Choosing plant materials that bloom throughout the year, have round or long linear flowers, with a variety of different mature sizes and shapes, adds interest and depth to your property. This will create an overall landscape that will complement the building, not camouflage it.

3. Lighting: Strategic illumination of your building and landscape will create shadow lines to introduce depth and interest allowing your landscape to have visual impact during the evening hours.

4. Sustainability: Choosing plants that require less maintenance and water will help lessen the impact on water consumption over a plant's lifespan. Combining this with the use of wildflowers, low mow grasses, and plantings native to the Cleveland area helps to reduce turf areas and recurring maintenance of these spaces. Lower maintenance means less impact on the environment.

Utilizing a combination of these strategies can create a strong first impression for new customers and guests when they visit your Cleveland area property. A thoughtful landscaping plan will also provide a lasting impact on the wellbeing and satisfaction of your employees and long-term clients over time.

Landscaping Company Cleveland Area Commercial Maintenance

It's Almost Springtime in Cleveland!


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Spring Lawn Cleanup and Services Warmer weather is on its way and H&M Landscaping wants to help you! There are several landscape services that we can provide that will help you attain that beautiful, lush, green lawn that you want during the Spring and Summertime. First on the list is to assess for winter damage and schedule a spring cleanup. Extreme temperature changes in our Cleveland weather can cause discoloration to trees, shrubs, and plants. Also, you may find loose branches and twigs that are hanging or have fallen to the ground. Like many, you may have also neglected to collect the last of the falling leaves or did not remove any plants that needed it. A Spring Cleanup will ensure that your lawn gets a head start into the warmer seasons coming for Northeast Ohio. H&M Landscaping would love to partner with you to get your lawn and landscape into tip top shape. Call us now to get on the schedule for the Cleveland area before time runs out!

Landscaping Company Cleveland Area Services Large Flyer

Cleveland Landscape Drainage Solutions


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Installs Drainage Solutions Spring is a great time to assess any drainage issues you may have in your yard. As our Cleveland winter winds down, the snow melts and spring rains arrive, there is a large amount of water traveling through everybody's yards. Drainage problems will usually reveal themselves during this time of year. Those areas of the lawn or landscape that hold water for extended periods of time not only can be annoying by leaving these areas too soft and muddy to use, but can damage turf and plants not adapted to wet conditions. The good news is that for every drainage problem, there is a solution. In general, drainage issues are corrected in one of three ways or by using a combination of these three methods. The first appraoch is to improve soil permeability through aeration, thatching and soil amendments. Next look at redirecting the excess water. This can include regrading or actually installing any of a variety of yard drains. Finally, install plants that are meant to grow and thrive in wet conditions. Plants well adapted to our Cleveland climate and to wet conditions will use more water and, in some cases, will actually pull enough water into their root system to dry up an otherwise wet area. Consult your Cleveland area landscape professional to see what is the best course of action for your particular drainage issue and you can enjoy a lawn and landscape free from puddles and swampy areas. H&M Landscaping would be more than happy to provide you with a free consultation. Good luck and enjoy the spring!

Cleveland Area Landscaping: Spring Cleanups


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Landscaping Services, Landscape Bed Edging, Mulching and Spring Yard Cleanups With our Northeast Ohio spring season fast approaching and the unexpected warm weather, it's time to start thinking about getting your yard or business landscape back in shape. H&M Landscaping will soon be out in full force around the Greater Cleveland Area cleaning up any organic debris remaining from fall and winter. Nothing says spring like a nice deep edge on the beds and the smell of some fresh organic mulch. Give us a call and get a free estimate from one of our sales specialists today!

Landscapers in Cleveland Area Build Outdoor Kitchen


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscapers in Cleveland Area Build Outdoor Kitchen Outdoor kitchens are becoming increasingly popular in the Cleveland area as people look for ways to expand their living space and create an outdoor oasis. With an outdoor kitchen, you can entertain guests and enjoy the beautiful weather and landscape while cooking up a storm. An outdoor kitchen typically includes a grill, refrigerator, sink, and storage space for utensils and other cooking essentials. Some may also include a pizza oven, smoker, or other specialty appliances. One of the main benefits of an outdoor kitchen is that it allows you to cook and socialize at the same time. You won't have to run back and forth between the kitchen and the backyard, missing out on all the fun. With everything you need right there, you can enjoy cooking and entertaining without any interruptions. Another benefit of an outdoor kitchen is that it can increase the value of your home. It's an investment that can pay off in the long run, particularly if you live in the Greater Cleveland Area with mild weather and a long outdoor season. When designing your outdoor kitchen, it's important to talk to your landscaper about how you'll use the space. Consider the size and layout of your backyard, as well as your cooking preferences and entertaining style. You'll also want to think about the materials you use, such as weather-resistant stainless steel or durable stone countertops. Outdoor kitchens are a great way to expand your living space and create an outdoor oasis. With the right landscape design and equipment, you can cook and entertain in style while enjoying the beautiful Cleveland weather this summer. So why not consider adding an outdoor kitchen as part of your home landscaping? Your taste buds and your guests will thank you for it!

The Best Time for Dormant Pruning your Landscape


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscape Planning during Cleveland Winter Most people don't realize that the middle of winter, especially the months of January and February, is the best time to have your landscaper prune your plants and trees in the Greater Cleveland Area. This is when the plant and/or tree is dormant and there is very little sap and bleeding from a fresh cut. This is also a great time to see the actual shape of the trees, since all of the leaves are long gone. Flowering and ornamental trees with fruit-bearing plants benefit enormously from the winter pruning because it will increase the flowering production come springtime. White Pines and evergreens should be thinned out at this time as well, as the weight of heavy snow and ice that Northeast Ohio receives can snap off their limbs. Please give H&M Landscaping a call to have a trained professional help with the process of winter dormant pruning. Cleveland may be bitterly cold now, but spring is coming!

Let H&M Design Your New Backyard for 2024


Mark Mazzurco, Company President

Cleveland Landscaping Outdoor Kitchen Pizza Oven With the New Year here, why not let Cleveland's H&M Landscaping design your new outdoor living space for 2024? Imagine your own outdoor kitchen, right out the back door, where you can grill up a steak or even bake a pizza. We will be happy to prepare your drawings and pricing and you'll be first in line when the spring returns to Cleveland. H&M is ready to survey your property and develop a plan for installation in the spring. You work hard and play hard, but don't forget to slow down and enjoy your property this summer.

Call H&M Landscaping and let one of our design professionals create the backyard of your dreams. Isn't it time to "just say no" to carry out and bake your own pizza? Mangia! Mangia!

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio Even in the dead of winter, H&M Landscaping is still busy working on swimming pool installations (between the snow storms and brutal cold temperatures that have recently hit the Cleveland area). With the high demand for new pool installations and long wait times from the pool manufacturers, we have committed to this type of work year round. In many cases, the frozen ground actually makes it easier to excavate - with less damage to the surounding yard. The pool deck and surrounding landscaping can then be completed once the weather breaks.

We use Pentair and Haywood pool products, many with state-of-the-art automation, monitoring systems and automatic covers. There are many styles and options available that will work well for you and your family. We offer completely new installations and renovations of pumps, heaters, filters, and salt water chlorine generators to make the daily maintenance easy. If you already own a pool and are looking to spruce it up a bit (or are having some problems), let us know and we can lend a hand in making suggestions and provide a free quote. H&M Landscaping can install new pools of all kinds and renovate an old, tired, outdated pool to look brand new! Call our office today to find out what we can do for you.

Landscape Construction Material Recycling for the New Year


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscape Construction Material Paver & Deck Recycling in Cleveland With the start of the new year upon us, one of the greatest impacts that you can make to better the environment is to recycle! If you have not started this practice, why not make it a resolution for this year? When applied to your landscaping, recycling can extend to many materials used in and around the house. A good example would be recycled materials for decks, such as composites. Local Cleveland area municipalities will occasionally have pavers from old streets that have been repaired and then sold to the public. These pavers could be used for inlays and other retro designs. Every little bit that one person can do is a benefit for the environment and can be a sustainable way improve your landscaping.

Cleveland Ohio Landscaping Companies

35 Years + Still Pushing Forward

People, technology continue driving H&M Landscaping, Snow Pros brand ahead

Story & Photos By Scott Esterly - Properties | November 2023 | Cleveland Ohio

Mark Mazzurco, president and owner of H&M Landscaping and H&M Snow Pros, was cutting lawns in his own Cleveland neighborhood in the late 1980s. When he started, he wasn't even old enough to drive as he went from yard to yard. "Once I was able to drive, it expanded from there," says Mazzurco. "I was supposed to attend John Carroll University on a bunch of grants, but I ended up choosing to run the business because I enjoyed it so much." Now, with more than 200 employees at the peak of summertime, H&M Landscaping is entering its 35th year. Currently, H&M maintains two physical locations in Northeast Ohio- one on Kinsman Road in Newbury Township and the other on Acorn Drive in Oakwood Village. The company grew at a steady pace but in the early 1990s business really began to take off. "It was around 1992 that I brought both of my brothers into the company as partners," Mazzurco says. "We were growing leaps and bounds at that time. You know, you always kind of gravitate back towards family. At that point, we probably only had 20 or 25 employees and just one location. That's when I finally figured out: I'm investing in people. We don't just sell a service, we sell relationships." H&M Landscaping prides itself on being a design, build and maintain service provider for its customers in Cleveland. About 90% of its customer base on the landscaping side is commercial and 10% is residential. The common thread amongst both commercial and residential is that H&M Landscaping's work is primarily high-end detail and design work. The combined service territory of H&M Landscaping and H&M Snow Pros covers a large swath of Northeast Ohio. "We go all the way out to Elyria on the west side. We go out to Conneaut on the east side, and we'll go down the Medina for snow and ice," says Mazzurco. H&M has also done some landscaping work for customers in West Virginia, Kentucky and Chautauqua, New York.

Cleveland Ohio Commercial Landscaping Services

Adding snow to the mix

Mazzurco added snow removal to his list of service offerings around 2000. Originally, safeguarding his employees was the catalyst. He wanted to ensure that his summertime employees had work in the landscaping off-season. "I started the snow removal and ice management business to take care of my guys. I was just trying to make sure that they had money coming in and could feed their families," he says. "And then I found out that it was one of the most profitable parts in our company." H&M Snow Pros services approximately 600 commercial sites in Northeast Ohio every winter. It does this with approximately 130 regular full-time employees. "We're really dialed into the larger properties like hospitals and multitenant buildings where there's a lot of people that are coming and going," says Mazzurco. In addition to the full-time employees, H&M Snow Pros employs around 150 subcontractors in the Greater Cleveland Area. "We call them partners," he says. "They're the seasonal employees that we pay a premium to because, if you think about it, they get up in the middle of the night and they're working four or five hours helping to service our clientele." To make the logistics work during wintertime, H&M Snow Pros activates about a dozen satellite stations every winter. These are strategically placed throughout Northeast Ohio, often at or near customer sites, to store material, loaders and trucks. Generally, the number of satellite stations is linked to the number of managers that oversee snow removal operations to cut down on the distances that workers need to travel to their zone in inclement weather. Mazzurco's philosophy on snow removal is keeping his employees happy and well taken care of, because it's a competitive industry. "Everyone's got the same snowplow service," says Mazzurco. "Snow and ice management is a culture and lifestyle. My staff will literally put their lives on hold in the winter. If it's Thanksgiving and it's snowing, they're out working. If it's Christmas and it's snowing, they're out working. It snowed on Christmas last year. I was out and about delivering coffee, hot chocolate and donuts and supporting the team."

Cleveland Ohio Commercial Landscaping Contractors


Mazzurco attributes the continued success and growth of his Cleveland area companies to the people that surround him. He points directly to a decision he made during the Great Recession as a major turning point. "I really invested heavily in the company in 2008," says Mazzurco. "We went through that recession and my thought process was, there are a lot of good people that are out of work and you could probably get them right now. So I went out and started hiring. My brothers thought I was crazy. In 2008, we were doing about $7 million a year. Now, we're at nearly $22 million. The only difference is the people. As you hire good people, they take on more responsibility. They allow you to grow."

Cleveland Ohio Commercial Landscaping Equipment

Data + technology

"I have always been an analytical, historical data kind of guy," he says. "We capture a lot of information because I'm of the opinion that if you can't track it, you can't control it. If you can't cost it, you can't make money." That philosophy has driven Mazzurco and his Northeast Ohio businesses from the very beginning. He knew from the data he had collected that investing in growth during an economic downturn would yield positive results. The same can be said with his embracing of technology, particularly on the snow side of the business. "It was around the year 2000, when I really got into technology and that's when we invested in pusher boxes," he says. "A standard plow goes on the front of a truck and you roll snow. Pusher boxes allow you to grab more snow and push it to the end of a parking lot. When those first came on the market, we were on the forefront." Investing in pusher boxes meant H&M Snow Pros could tackle large parking lots, like Cleveland area malls and shopping centers and multi-tenant commercial properties. That has been a major income driver and allows the company to continue investing in people, equipment and trucks. Being willing to utilize and experiment with technology has also showed Mazzurco what works and what doesn't. "We try to drive efficiencies with technology, not only with GPS, but all the latest and greatest ways to apply de-icing products," says Mazzurco. "We found that some of the stuff on the market just doesn't work for us." Technology has also allowed Mazzurco more flexibility when it comes to running the business while simultaneously being a major valueadd for customers. "All the technologies, like our operating system, are real-time," says Mazzurco. "I can run the snow business from anywhere in the world because I can pull it up and I know exactly where our trucks are. I can send a customer a GPS report saying we were in your parking lot from this time to that time. It not only helps you with collections, but also helps you with building trust and a relationship with your customer."

Cleveland Ohio Commercial Landscaping

Optimistic for the future

Mazzurco has experienced years of tremendous growth, where his Cleveland area companies have grown 30% year to year. He's also seen that growth drop off right away. To combat such big swings, Mazzurco manages a realistic controlled growth target of anywhere from 5% to 10% every year. Rather than focusing on tremendous growth numbers, he now emphasizes keeping his customers happy and prioritizes renewals. "I really track our renewal rates hard, and we try to stay at about 92%," he continues. "In other words, if I have a million dollars of maintenance or snow contracts, I want to renew $920,000 of that because that tells me I'm providing a good quality service." "I'm a glass half full guy," says Mazzurco. "I definitely think we've recovered after the pandemic. Our last three years have been really strong. I've got a great team and we've got great relationships."

Cleveland Ohio Landscaping Service

Protect Your Lawn Irrigation System Now


H&M Irrigation and Lighting Team

Protect Your Lawn Irrigation System in Cleveland Ohio What's the best way to protect the investment you have in your sprinkler system and to avoid unneeded costly repairs in the spring? Winterizing your sprinkler system involves removing water from the pipes, valves and sprinkler heads (in the proper sequence) and is essential before freezing occurs. With our harsh Cleveland winter just around the corner, now is the time to call H&M Landscaping to schedule your winter irrigation shut down by one of our professional irrigation technicians. It's the best way to protect your irrigation investment from potentially serious damage. Please give us a call today to schedule your appointment with our Irrigation Team.

Northeast Ohio Landscaping Fall Leaf Clean-Ups

Irrigation System Winterization and Fall Yard Cleanups


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Winterization & Cleanup H&M Landscaping is currently working through fall clean-ups and winterizations of irrigation systems for our Cleveland Area customers. Our landscape service crews are also busy cutting down perennials and ornamental grasses to ready these plants for the winter. H&M's irrigation techs are blowing out irrigation systems to ensure that there's no water left in the lines when the ground temps go below freezing later this winter. We service all types of irrigation systems including both Hunter and Rain Bird. If your property isn't winterized yet or you need a fall clean-up, give us a call today and we'll come out for a free estimate to get you prepared for winter.

H&M Landscaping Lighting Design and Installation

Cleveland Landscaping Fall Leaf Clean-Ups

Fall Yard Care in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscape Planning during Cleveland Winter Fall is a great time to fertilize trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs require fertilizer to promote healthy roots and dynamic spring flowers. The best time to perform these tasks for Northeast Ohio is mid-November through early March.

While you are preparing your trees and shrubs for our harsh Cleveland Winter, it is also a great time for dormant pruning. This includes performing the cutbacks and rejuvenation needed to restore shrubs to a small size.

The benefits to fertilizing and dormant pruning are to promote healthy trees/shrubs, growth and better flowers. If the Fall is quickly getting away from you and have not had time to perform these tasks in your yard, now is a great time to call us. We will help you prepare your yard for the Winter to come!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Design


H&M Landscaping Design Team

Cleveland Landscaping Design Company In partnership with Otero Signature Homes, H&M Landscaping will be featured in their annual publication for the Cleveland area. We work alongside Otero Signature Homes project managers to make homeowners vision come to life. H&M Landscaping designers are highly skilled in developing a unique landscape plan based on the wants and needs of its clients. They have the talent and experience to transform any outdoor living space into one of its award-winning projects. H&M Landscaping uses a variety of quality manufacturered products for the construction phase, then backs up its design/build installations with maintenance packages designed especially for clients homes or businesses. The process starts with listening to clients thoughts and assisting with a layout that encompasses their ideas in addition to advice from one of H&M Landscaping's experienced consultants. Clients can leave the material decisions to H&M Landscaping to provide options. H&M Landscaping presents its designs in an easy-to-understand, topographical CAD design or photo image that can show projects from a 2-D or 3-D view in full color. After any necessary changes are made and the design is confirmed, H&M Landscaping's highly qualified landscape industry-certified installers begin making its clients dreams a reality. Have a project in mind? Call us so that we can make your dream come true!

Cleveland Landscaping Design Company

It's Fall Ya'll in Northeast Ohio!!!


H&M Landscaping Design Team

Cleveland Area Landscaping Design Services - Fall Decoration Services in Northeast Ohio It is officially Fall! What does that mean? Cooler days, chilly nights, falling leaves, Cleveland Browns football, Halloween, Thanksgiving, but most importantly; time to assemble those fall displays. Fall displays are a lovely way to add to the curb appeal of your home. These displays can include hay bales, corn stalks, pumpkins, and mums.

Here at H & M, we are happy to help you build your fall display. Whether it be bringing your ideas to life or utilizing what you currently have on hand, let H & M build your Fall display. We will ensure that your yard display will be the talk of your Northeast Ohio neighbors. Happy Decorating!

Cleveland Landscaping Fall Leaf Clean-Up

Cleveland Landscaping Fall Lawn Clean-Up

Northeast Ohio Landscape Fall Clean-up

Aeration of Lawns in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Services, Fall Lawn Aeration Landscape Services What is aeration?

While performing aeration, small holes are made to allow air, water, and nutrients to infiltrate the grass roots. This yard task helps the roots grow deeper into the earth, which in turn produces a stronger, fuller lawn.

How is aeration performed?

Aeration can be accomplished using many yard tools. The can include a garden fork, hollow tinder, seed sitter and plug aerator, just to name a few. You will use these tools to make holes in the earth by going completely over the lawn in one direction and then going back over it in a perpendicular direction. This ensures that you aerate the entire lawn.

When to aerate?

The best time to aerate your lawn in the Cleveland Area and Northeast Ohio is during the early Spring and Fall. During the Fall, aeration will loosen soil compaction caused by summer stress and any overseeding. This also gives the earth the nutrients it needs to germinate during the dormant season. If you need assistance with aeration, please reach out to us for services. We have the manpower and tools to take care of you so that you can enjoy the Fall weather!

Cleveland Area Landscaping Company Fall Inventory Reduction Sale
Cleveland Landscaping Company Fall Inventory Reduction Sale

Fall Yard Cleanups in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Services, Irrigation Winterization and Fall Yard Cleanups Fall is Here in Northeast Ohio...It's Time for Yard Clean Ups! Warm summer days are behind us, and cool temperatures have arrived. This can only mean that Fall is here, and yards should be prepped for our Cleveland winter! Even though many people love to do their own yard work, others do not. Have you considered hiring H&M to do your yard clean up? Below are a few reasons why you should hire us to conduct your Fall Clean Up.

Autumn: The Season of Transition


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Landscaping Fall Clean Up Tips As the leaves change color and temperatures drop, your landscape is going to need some tender love and care. Here is your fall maintenance checklist to prepare your landscape for the next season.

1. Leaf Removal: Removing the leaves from your lawn will keep your lawn breathing as it needs to. Too many leaves can smother and kill your lawn.

2. Lawn Care: Fall is another great time for aeration, overseed, and fertilization.

3. Pruning and Trimming: Look at your trees and shrubs for overgrowth and prepare them for winter. Snow weighs a significant amount, and you could prevent damage to your property by being proactive in this step.

4. Fall Planting: Planting cool, seasonal flowers or bulbs make for a nice and beautiful addition to your spring landscape.

5. Mulching: If you were not able to get mulched earlier in the season don't think spring is the only time to do it. Fall is a great time to consider too. Mulching at this time can insulate your plants from the cold.

6. Fertilization: Fall-specific fertilizer helps prepare your lawn for its dormancy during the winter.

While fall tasks can be daunting you don't have to do them by yourself. H&M Landscaping is here to check these items off your list for you. A simple consultation can help guide us on how to best serve your landscape for your goals.

Seating Wall and Pergola Installation in Gates Mills


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Seating Wall and Pergola Installation near Cleveland H&M Landscaping installed this Belgard, "Harvest Blend" color, Versa-Loc seating wall and pergola in Gates Mills Ohio. This was a surround to an existing patio with 3 posts anchored into the ground to support the pergola. We first, excavated down 10" and installed base material and compacted screenings for leveling. Once the base was ready, we set the Versa-Loc for the pillars and the walls using a construction adhesive to hold the wall together.

A sandstone cap was installed that features rock facing on both sides to give it a natural look and white fiberglass columns were added over the posts to match the front of the house. The strong frame for the pergola was constructed to support the cedar beams which were installed and fastened in place while the finishing touches on the corners were completed. If you would like a seating wall, pillars or a pergola like this built, please contact our office and a sales person would be happy to visit your site and assist you in the process.

Northeast Ohio Summer Grass Issues & Fall Fertilization


Jerry Wilthew, Turf & Grounds Account Manager

Cleveland Ohio Landscaping - Violets in Lawn Solved with Fall Fertilization The rainfall has been unprecedented in the last few weeks and the dog days of summer are almost behind us. Lawns have responded well to the much-needed precipitation we have experienced recently. Some lawns that have not responded well though have other issues that may need to be addressed. Heavy thatch layers, insect damage and fungus damage are a few that we have encountered. Deep thatch layers have to be removed to encourage better growth. Consider total removal or an ongoing, heavy aeration program; one quarter to one half inch thatch layers are considered acceptable.

Certain insect and fungal pathogens can kill the entire plant. Most just cause damage to the blades of the grass and you will see recovery. If you suspect total plant failure, you might consider over-seeding into bare areas.

Since most grass has greened up, you might think nothing needs to be done this fall. Do not forget to feed your turf. If you only fertilize once, fall is the time to do it. All the nutrients will be stored in the roots of the plants, enabling them to be ready for next summer. Fall is also an optimal time to deal with any unwanted weeds that have popped up this year.

Lawns are resilient systems that are built to withstand the stresses of summer. If you have any concerns about the health of yours, give us a call and we would be glad to help with suggestions to improve your curb appeal.

Stone Wall and Landscape Installation in Pepper Pike


H&M Construction Team

Stone Retaining Wall and Landscape Plantings installed in Pepper Pike near Cleveland Ohio H&M Landscaping installed a new stone wall and landscape plantings in Pepper Pike. We used Belgard's Versa Loc wall stone "Oxford Charcoal" for the entry wall and "Rustic Buff" and "Cannon Tan" stone for the wall along the driveway. The stone was set on #411 base with drain tile installed behind wall and backfilled with #57 washed gravel. For the front walkway, we used full range bluestone with 3" bluestone treads on the steps. Grey polymeric sand was installed between the joints to stabilize the walkway. The landscape beds were prepared and amended with bed mix. Plantings were then installed and mulched with double processed black mulch.

If you're interested in having a landscape installed like this, please contact our office and one of our sales associates will call you to set up and appointment.

Beat the Heat with a Swimming Pool Installation or Renovation


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio Did you know that H&M Landscaping installs pools? We have expanded our resume in recent years to encompass design and installation of pools and spas in the Greater Cleveland Area. Not only can we design and develop your outdoor living space, but we can also incorporate a pool or spa that you and your family can enjoy on a daily basis.

The team at H&M Landscaping works with Latham's "best-in-class" line of pool products. Latham is the largest designer, manufacturer and marketer of inground residential swimming pools in North America, Australia and New Zealand with over six decades of experience at the center of the backyard lifestyle. We share a passion for transforming backyards into welcoming extensions of the home, centered on upgrading your space for memorable enjoyment for you and your family. As a Latham Grand Dealer, H&M Landscaping is a top tier pool builder with the training, knowledge and expertise to turn your dream backyard plan into reality.

We use Pentair and Haywood pool products, many with state-of-the-art automation and monitoring systems. There are many styles and options available that will work well for you and your family. If you already own a pool and are looking to spruce it up a bit (or are having some problems), let us know and we can lend a hand in making suggestions and provide a free quote. H&M Landscaping can install new pools of all kinds and renovate an old, tired, outdated pool to look brand new! Beat the summer heat and call our office today to find out what we can do for you.

Cleveland Area Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Services


H&M Landscaping Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Team

Landscaping Irrigation Services and Landscape LED Lighting H&M Landscaping designs and installs landscape irrigation and lighting and can provide service to your existing system. With the lack of rain in the Cleveland area over the last few weeks, an irrigation system makes it much easier to keep your lawn and flower beds looking great all summer long. As the days start to grow shorter, landscape lighting lets you enjoy your yard and keep it safe well into the evening hours. We can change out your lamps to effecient LED lighting and diagnosis any electrical issue with your current lighting system. We offer irrigation maintenance plans for spring activations and winterization before the ground freezes up in the late fall. From routine service calls to quick fixes for system problems, call H&M Landscaping today for all your irrigation and lighting needs.

Raised Patio and Paver Walkway in Solon Ohio


H&M Construction Team

Landscape Patio Paver Walkway Installed in Solon Ohio H&M Landscaping installed this raised patio, paver walkway and landscape plantings in Solon Ohio. We used Versa-Loc wall stone from Belgard (Harvest Blend) for the raised patio wall support and for the louvered seating wall around the lower patio. The Versa-Loc was set on #411 bases around the perimeter with #57 limestone compacted every 3" for the interior area which was filled to the top of the patio with geo-grid tied into the Versa-Loc every 2' to give the wall extra support. We used Cambridge Cobble paver for the patio and back walkway with the Holland Stone as the soldier course, for the border. Tan polymeric sand was installed between the joints of the stone. The landscape beds were amended with bed mix, plants installed and mulched with double process brown mulch. Landscape lighting was installed in the backyard to highlight the specimen trees and shrubs. If you are interested in having a landscape installed like this, please contact our office and one of our sales associates will call you to set up an appointment.

Hardscape Renovation in Richfield Ohio


Mark Barker, Landscape Design / Sales

Hardscape Landscaping Restoration in Richfield Ohio Do you currently have concrete or paver surfaces that are starting to show wear or are simply just falling apart? H&M Landscaping was called upon by a customer to provide advice and a solution to a failing masonry wall that supported their upper patio and swimming pool, along with stamped concrete surfaces that had become very dull and faded over the last several years. While meeting with the home owner, it was evident that this was an area where they spent much of their summer as a family and it was truly important to them that we provide a sustainable solution so they could continue to enjoy this space for years to come.

H&M Landscaping provided them with a solution to rebuild all the masonry retaining walls with Boral Ledge stone Cultured stone and poured concrete coping on the tops of walls. We also stripped the surface of all stamped concrete and applied Scofield Revive exterior concrete antiquing stain- all with a project timeline of 7 weeks. At the end of the project the owner was ecstatic to have a backyard that exceeded their expectations and a beautiful setting to enjoy for years to come. If you have a space requiring restoration or renovation please contact our office and we would be happy to schedule a consultation to offer a solution to your needs.

Recovering from Snow Mold Damage


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Lawn Landscaping Snow Mold It's that time of year again, spring is finally here. H&M Landscaping has been busy doing spring clean-ups and I would like to share some helpful information that we have come across regarding snow mold. The most common types are grey snow mold and pink snow mold, named for their appearance. Both can develop during periods of cool damp weather, under a layer of snow. After time, the mold grows and can be seen after snow melt as either pink or grey round patches in your lawn. An improper fall clean-up of leaves and/or inadequate final cutting are major contributors to lawn mold growth over the winter months.

To address this condition, these areas should be raked through several times and the matted grass can be removed, allowing the grass to recover. A spring fertilizer application will also help grass recover more fully. In severe cases, some areas of turf may need to be removed- which will then require the addition of new soil and over seeding. If your yard is suffering from snow mold and you need lawn care assistance, please call us and one of our team members can help you with all of your landscaping needs.

Professional Landscaping Spring Yard Clean-up


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Landscaping Spring Yard Clean-up H&M Landscaping Spring landscape clean-ups are a vital part of maintaining the value and appearance of your home. Once spring comes around, your grass and spring time blooms may not be able to grow or recover from the intense freeze/thaw cycles we experienced this winter. Most homeowners do not realize the importance of of this yard clean-up aside from just the overall improved look. The main benefit you will gain from a professional yard cleanup by H&M is preventative buildup of debris and organic matter which can form a blanket which acts as a barrier between your grass and the sunlight. It can also end up blocking out water, oxygen and other crucial nutrients. When this blockage is left unresolved it can cause harm to your lawn. You should not assume this material will break down on its own. When properly chopped up and used as an organic mulch, it can be beneficial to plant life. If left on top to cover, it may smother your grass, flowers and other desirable plants.

H&M Landscaping has decades of experience taking care of this type of work and we know what goes into creating a stunning and healthy yard. Scheduling a thorough spring cleanup right now is critical to getting your landscape ready for the upcoming season. Contact us today if you would like our experts to reach out to discuss all of our landscape services.

Northeast Ohio Landscape Design and Installation


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Swimming Pool Installation near Cleveland Do you have cabin fever? Are you feeling the winter blues? Well let's start thinking of spring flowers, the sun shining and enjoying the outdoors. We are having some great weather here in Northeast Ohio and we can start sprucing up your yard for spring and building a deck or refinishing a pre-existing deck. Consider adding some pops of color with flowers, fresh mulch and a deck to enjoy all of your holiday parties and summer evenings. Upgrading your outdoor space is also a great way to add curb appeal and resale value to your home. H&M Landscaping strives to exceed our customers expectations with a landscape design and installation to provide that outdoor lifestyle you dream of.

No matter if your yard is large or small we can design an area that fits your needs. A small paver patio, a refinished deck or a new multi-level deck with a pool will give you a space outside to relax after a hard day at work. H&M will work with your budget and ideas to provide a design that is customized for you and your family. We also provide year round up-keep of yards and landscapes with spring and fall cleanups to keep your new oasis pristine and beautiful.

The Best Time for Dormant Pruning your Landscape


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscape Planning during Cleveland Winter Most people don't realize that the middle of winter, especially the months of January and February, is the best time to have your landscaper prune your plants and trees in the Greater Cleveland Area. This is when the plant and/or tree is dormant and there is very little sap and bleeding from a fresh cut. This is also a great time to see the actual shape of the trees, since all of the leaves are long gone. Flowering and ornamental trees with fruit-bearing plants benefit enormously from the winter pruning because it will increase the flowering production come springtime. White Pines and evergreens should be thinned out at this time as well, as the weight of heavy snow and ice can snap off their limbs. Please give H&M Landscaping a call to have a trained professional help with the process of winter dormant pruning. Cleveland may be bitterly cold now, but spring is coming!

H&M Landscaping: Latham Partner for Cleveland Pool Installations


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

H&M Landscaping is a Latham Partner for Cleveland Pool Installations Selecting the right pool company is an important decision in building your dream backyard lifestyle. When planning, we encourage you to deal with a company with a proven track record and reputation for the finest pool products and components in the industry. Given our experience, H&M Landscaping can be that company for you!

The team at H&M Landscaping works with Latham's "best-in-class" line of pool products. Latham is the largest designer, manufacturer and marketer of inground residential swimming pools in North America, Australia and New Zealand with over six decades of experience at the center of the backyard lifestyle. We share a passion for transforming backyards into welcoming extensions of the home, centered on upgrading your space for memorable enjoyment for you and your family. H&M Landscaping has the expertise in managing expectations to ensure the entire process - from idea to completion - goes swimmingly. As a Latham Grand Dealer, we are top tier pool builders with the training, knowledge and expertise to turn your dream backyard lifestyle into reality. We'll stay with you through every step of the process - from excavation to your first big cannonball - with exceptional and reliable service.

As a trusted Latham partner, we're ready to create an unforgettable backyard experience your family will truly enjoy. H&M Landscaping has the resources and expertise to tackle any pool project at any scale. Even in the dead of winter, it's never too early to start planning your dream pool for this year. Please contact us today or visit our Latham Dealer Page to beat the summer rush!

Winter Preparation for Plantings in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Winter Landscape Plant Preparation for Northeast Ohio The recent conditions have been a wonderful break from the typical December winter weather in Ohio. With temperatures often above 40 and staying above freezing during the nights, our landscapers have been doing final cleanups, irrigation shutdowns, pruning and repairing tree damage from the recent heavy winds. We are available to straighten and replant any uprooted trees since the soil has not started to freeze yet. The soil water and nutrients are still available to the roots and will provide a quick start in the spring.

Before the harsh temperatures become prominent, consider removal of plant material in pots. If the pots and the plants they contain are exposed to low winter temperatures, the plants can freeze and perish. They can be transferred to a landscape bed and mulched in to help over winter them. After the plants and soil have been removed from the containers, any concrete pots should be sealed, covered and stored for the winter. Alternatively, potted plants can be moved into an attached garage or a heated shed where temperatures will remain above freezing. H&M wishes everyone Happy Holidays and reminds our loyal customers to reach out to us anytime for all of your landscape needs.

Cleveland Ohio: Putting Your Landscape to Bed


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Winter Landscape Maintenance for your Northeast Ohio Property The holiday season is upon us once again and as we focus on family, friends, trips, and travels, let's not forget to tuck in our landscaping for a snug winter's nap. Just like changing out the smoke detector batteries and adjusting our clocks, landscapes need our attention as well. Take a thorough look at your property and note any trouble spots. For instance, low areas that hold too much water, weak and/or crowded plants, and settling issues with patios and retaining walls. These issues may not have been apparent during our Cleveland summer while the leaves and patio furniture were present. Next "tuck-in" your landscaping for the winter by adding an extra layer of compost to provide winter insulation and a boost of nutrients in the spring. Avoid fertilizers late in the year to prevent new growth that can be susceptible to frost. Finally, while the weather and temperatures allow, seal concrete patios, driveways, and stone counter tops. H&M Landscaping can assist with choosing the appropriate sealer to lock moisture out of the porous surfaces of concrete and stone.

End of year maintenance or "reflecting upon the year", is a prime time to document issues and changes that have taken place with a dynamic and evolving landscape. Any notes and photos taken now (before the snow falls) can also be extremely helpful to our landscape designers as they prepare your projects for the coming spring.

Landscape Enhancements: Take Your Property to the Next Level


H&M Landscape Enhancement Team

Landscape Enhancements like this Waterfall will Take Your Property to the Next Level There are many ways to enhance the look of your property. For some, it may be a new patio, deck or pool. For others, the installation of new flowers, shrubs or trees may be all it takes to give a fresh, new appearance. Stone features are one way of giving your landscape a great look. We can supply and install a variety of different stone features, including waterfalls. This addition can give your property the final touch it needs to achieve "eye-catching" status.

Call H&M Landscaping today to schedule an appointment with one of our sales representatives to see what we can suggest to take your landscape to the next level.

Protect Your Lawn Irrigation System Now


H&M Irrigation and Lighting Team

Protect Your Lawn Irrigation System in Cleveland Ohio What's the best way to protect the investment you have in your sprinkler system and to avoid unneeded costly repairs in the spring? Winterizing your sprinkler system involves removing water from the pipes, valves and sprinkler heads (in the proper sequence) and is essential before freezing occurs. With our harsh Cleveland winter just around the corner, now is the time to call H&M Landscaping to schedule your winter irrigation shut down by one of our professional irrigation technicians. It's the best way to protect your irrigation investment from potentially serious damage. Please give us a call today to schedule your appointment with our Irrigation Team.

Fall Yard Cleanups in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscaping Services, Irrigation Winterization and Fall Yard Cleanups As summer finally winds down this week and the fall season begins, H&M will be doing hundreds of cleanups for all of our maintenance customers in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. We do weekly cleanups by removing all leaf debris from lawn and bed areas. This is done both manually and mechanically with the latest leaf blowing equipment.

Weekly maintenance of your lawn creates a clean and long lasting curb appeal. To maintain a beautiful lawn throughout our upcoming colorful fall season, please reach out to one of our team members today to ensure availability. We will be happy to stop by and give you a free estimate for discounted pricing.

Natural Stone Retaining Wall in Kirtland Ohio


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Natural Stone Retaining Wall Landscape Installation in Kirtland Ohio H&M Landscaping installed this natural stone retaining wall using "Rustic Buff Chunks" in Kirtland Ohio. The customer requested installation of a chunk stone retaining wall, 25 to 27 inches thick, due to a serious erosion issue on a steep hillside. It is important to install this type of wall on top of 3 to 4 inches of washed gravel base. Once the gravel base is installed, the stone can be installed in rows. As each row is installed, the wall must be back filled with #57 gravel to help with drainage behind the wall. This process continues until the wall and ground are level. If a natural stone retaining wall sounds like a good fit for your erosion problem, please contact our office and one of our sales associates will meet you for a free consultation.

Northeast Ohio Summer Grass Issues & Fall Fertilization


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Ohio Landscaping - Violets in Lawn Solved with Fall Fertilization The rains have finally started falling again and the dog days of summer are almost behind us. Lawns have responded well to the much-needed precipitation we have experienced recently. Some lawns that have not responded well though have other issues that may need to be addressed. Heavy thatch layers, insect damage and fungus damage are a few that we have encountered. Deep thatch layers have to be removed to encourage better growth. Consider total removal or an ongoing, heavy aeration program; one quarter to one half inch thatch layers are considered acceptable.

Certain insect and fungal pathogens can kill the entire plant. Most just cause damage to the blades of the grass and you will see recovery. If you suspect total plant failure, you might consider over-seeding into bare areas.

Since most grass has greened up, you might think nothing needs to be done this fall. Do not forget to feed your turf. If you only fertilize once, fall is the time to do it. All the nutrients will be stored in the roots of the plants, enabling them to be ready for next summer. Fall is also an optimal time to deal with any unwanted weeds that have popped up this year.

Lawns are resilient systems that are built to withstand the stresses of summer. If you have any concerns about the health of yours, give us a call and we would be glad to help with suggestions to improve your curb appeal.

Mid-Summer Landscape Pruning Tips for Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Mid-Summer Landscape Pruning of Trees and Shrubs in Northeast Ohio Mid-summer pruning can be difficult to do, especially when buds have already established. The majority of flowering trees, shrubs and perennial plants can be deadheaded to get the most color with new flowerings. However, keep in mind that many plants have already established new year buds. If you prune your shrubs any further (or not properly) and remove new year buds, this can cause problems in flowering for next spring. For example, Azaleas and Rhododendrons have already established buds for next year and should not be pruned but detailed instead.

The professional pruning and detailing crew at H&M Landscaping is experienced in a variety of shrubs, trees and perennial plants. To insure proper pruning and the best outcome for next spring, please give us a call and we will be more than happy to assist with all your landscaping needs.

Heat-proof Your Outdoor Living Space


H&M Landscaping Design Team

Heat-proof Outdoor Living Space with Overhead Cedar Covered Kitchen in Richfield Ohio Do you have a cozy outdoor living space but can't seem to beat the summer heat? This customer in Richfield Ohio had a great outdoor living space but no where to take cover from the sun.

Installation of overhead cedar cover, Brussels block pillar, Brussels block outdoor kitchen with granite counters provided the comfortable living space they were looking for. The thermal mass from the block and granite, chilled by nighttime temperatures, help to cool the area during the day. The extra shade protects your family from harmful UV rays and also prevents outdoor furniture and upholstery from fading. Please call H&M Landscaping today and let us help you beat the heat this summer!

Cleveland Area Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Services


H&M Landscaping Irrigation & Lighting Team

Landscape Irrigation Repair and Installs in Cleveland H&M Landscaping not only designs and installs new landscape irrigation and lighting, we also provide service to existing irrigation and lighting systems in order to keep them working for you as long as possible. Whether it's an adjustment to sprinkler heads or diagnosis of your zone timers, our trained and knowledgeable crew can help you. With the hot, dry weather this past week, all the effort and hard work you've put into your yard could easily be protected by a worry free irrigation system. Why not take advantage of your outdoor living space for a few extra hours at night with a customized lighting system? We also offer irrigation maintenance for spring system activation and winterization when the dreaded cold comes back. From routine service to quick help for system problems, call us today for all your irrigation system and landscape lighting needs.

3 Reasons to Have a Patio Installed This Summer


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

H&M Landscaping - Cleveland Area Patio Design & Installation Turn your back yard into something special or breathe life back into an existing patio. At H&M Landscaping we have an experienced design team with keen eyes for innovation to help with something special, such as pavers, natural stone or stamped concrete built in any shape or size and designed to your specifications.

1. Living Space: Additional living space can open up more opportunities to host virtually any event for family parties or a simple get-together such as a barbeque with friends. Your guests will love the fact they will be able to enjoy the nice weather from your patio.

2. Design Statement: Offering any shape, size and design, a patio gives you the opportunity to design your own unique space. H&M can help you build your patio anywhere you would like to highlight landscaping, add privacy or most importantly, to make a certain area of your outdoor space more accessible.

3. Increase the Value of Your Home: The addition of an outdoor living space is an easy and affordable way to increase your home's value. Plus, if you were ever to sell it in the future, buyers will love the fact that that there is customized outdoor living space and might be willing to pay more for your house.

Northeast Ohio Growing Degree Days: Nature's Thermostat


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Northeast Ohio Landscaping Lawn & Turf Maintenance Services Growing Degree Days are a measurement of the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. Development does not occur at this time unless the temperature is above a minimum threshold value (base temperature). The base temperature varies for different organisms.

Multiple organizations track these, but Michigan State University and Ohio State University are two standouts in this area. Total number of days will give you estimates on how and when to apply controls for certain pests. According to both models, the crabgrass pre-emergent control has come and gone. Both show we are in the middle of prime time for post-emergent broadleaf weed control. With Black Turfgrass Ataenius (BTA), an insect problem for annual Bluegrass, prime time is just around the corner for control measures.

What did we do years ago before people smarter than me figured out this model? We watched nature. If you do not have a model or choose not to browse the web, when the Forsythia starts to bloom, it is time for crabgrass control to go down. As the blooms drop and the leaves emerge, you are past the time for pre-emergent control. Bridal Veil Spirea in full bloom is a great indicator for control for the BTA insect. Every year is not the same. How many times do we say that things are early or late this year? A specific hard date is never the answer. Watch nature - it will never lie to you.

Landscape Enhancements: Start with a Design Plan


H&M Landscaping Enhancement Team

H&M Landscaping Installs Ground Cover for Weed & Erosion Control At H&M Landscaping, our goal is to help our customers, past, present and future. One way we can do this is through small enhancement projects. We often use enhancement pictures with drawings on them to help visualize the changes that we propose. These are used by our team in several ways. We want to show our customers what our ideas and plans are and get feedback. Once the customer decides to move forward with the work, we can pass the pictures and drawings to the crew who will be installing the plant materials. This saves valuable time and eliminates any confusion.

If you find there is a small project you would like to tackle, call any of our qualified account managers and we would be happy to put together an enhancement drawing, a 3-D flyover design, or a more traditional landscape design. The best part is that we will estimate your project at no cost to you. Call today - we hope to talk to you soon!

Design a New Outdoor Kitchen with ClifRock


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Landscaping ClifRock Kitchen Installation Start planning your new outdoor kitchen now with our newest product from ClifRock. This product allows us to create unlimited layouts and designs. H&M Landscaping can design and build your outdoor dream kitchen to include your favorite BBQ and cooking appliances from our line of featured Summerset products or a special product of your choice. Whether you are looking for cabinets/storage, grills, icemakers, griddles, trash receptacles, paper towel holders, refrigerators, freezers, drawers or a pizza oven, we can design and install whatever outdoor features suit your needs.

ClifRock is an engineered stone panel that has a much lighter footprint than most other products. It is engineered to be weather resistant with a 9000 psi pressure rating and you can choose from many patterns and colors. ClifRock can be installed much faster than traditional methods as well, so you can enjoy your new outdoor kitchen sooner.

Call H&M Landscaping today to set up an appointment so your new outdoor kitchen is ready for summer 2022 or sooner!

Spring Tips for a Great Looking Lawn


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Landscaping Lawn Turf Services Another Cleveland winter is finally behind us and spring is here. We've had near record high temperatures in Northeast Ohio just this past weekend and many of us were able to enjoy the outdoors for the first time this year. With that extreme warmth, a lot of plants are really taking off and have been pushing growth. The weeds have been quite active along with everything else. Here are a few observations to keep in mind for this upcoming season:

1. Now is the time to get preventative crabgrass control down. If you happen to have bare spots in lawns that you want over seeded, you might want to skip over these spots to help growth of new seedlings. Remember the crabgrass control is a pre-emergent herbicide that keeps things from germinating.

2. Have a plan in mind for care of the lawn this summer. Feeding it is always important, but water is just as important. Any fertilizer that goes down needs water to help it get into the plant.

3. Cut at the proper height. Most cool season grasses like to be 2" or higher. You might want it to look like the country club fairway, but you are not set up to take care of it at that height.

4. If you are not sure what to do, give someone a call. You probably call a doctor when you are sick or a plumber when the pipes back up. Give us a call with your lawn issues.

Cleveland Area Landscape Design and Installation


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Swimming Pool Installation near Cleveland Many of us in Cleveland have been suffering with cabin fever and the winter blues. It's finally time to start thinking of spring flowers, the sun shining and enjoying the outdoors. We are expecting some great weather here this weekend and we can start sprucing up your yard this spring and building a deck or refinishing a pre-existing deck. Consider adding some pops of color with flowers, fresh mulch and a deck to enjoy all of your holiday parties and summer evenings. Upgrading your outdoor space is also a great way to add curb appeal and resale value to your home. H&M Landscaping strives to exceed our customers expectations with a landscape design and installation to provide that outdoor lifestyle you dream of.

No matter if your yard is large or small we can design an area that fits your needs. A small paver patio, a refinished deck or a new multi-level deck with a pool will give you a space outside to relax after a hard day at work. H&M will work with your budget and ideas to provide a design that is customized for you and your family. We also provide year round up-keep of yards and landscapes with spring and fall cleanups to keep your new oasis pristine and beautiful.

Recovering from Snow Mold Damage


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Lawn Landscaping Snow Mold It's that time of year again, spring is finally here. H&M Landscaping has been busy doing spring clean-ups and I would like to share some helpful information that we have come across regarding snow mold. The most common types are grey snow mold and pink snow mold, named for their appearance. Both can develop during periods of cool damp weather, under a layer of snow. After time, the mold grows and can be seen after snow melt as either pink or grey round patches in your lawn. An improper fall clean-up of leaves and/or inadequate final cutting are major contributors to lawn mold growth over the winter months.

To address this condition, these areas should be raked through several times and the matted grass can be removed, allowing the grass to recover. A spring fertilizer application will also help grass recover more fully. In severe cases, some areas of turf may need to be removed- which will then require the addition of new soil and over seeding. If your yard is suffering from snow mold and you need lawn care assistance, please call us and one of our team members can help you with all of your landscaping needs.

Belgard Patio and Paver Walkway in Solon Ohio


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscape Patio Paver Walkway Installed in Solon Ohio H&M Landscaping installed this raised patio, paver walkway and landscape plantings in Solon Ohio. We used Versa-Loc wall stone from Belgard (Harvest Blend) for the raised patio wall support and for the louvered seating wall around the lower patio. The Versa-Loc was set on #411 bases around the perimeter with #57 limestone compacted every 3" for the interior area which was filled to the top of the patio with geo-grid tied into the Versa-Loc every 2' to give the wall extra support. We used Cambridge Cobble paver for the patio and back walkway with the Holland Stone as the soldier course, for the border. Tan polymeric sand was installed between the joints of the stone. The landscape beds were amended with bed mix, plants installed and mulched with double process brown mulch. Landscape lighting was installed in the backyard to highlight the specimen trees and shrubs. Be sure to check out our new H&M Landscaping Belgard Promo Video. If you are interested in having a landscape installed like this, please contact our office and one of our sales associates will call you to set up an appointment.

Cleveland Pool Installation - Start Planning Now


Mark Mazzurco, President

Cleveland & Northeast Ohio Pools & Spas - Landscape Design & Installation Did you know that H&M Landscaping installs pools? We have expanded our resume in recent years to encompass design and installation of pools and spas in the Greater Cleveland Area. Not only can we design and develop your outdoor living space, but we can also incorporate a pool or spa that you and your family can enjoy on a daily basis. One company that does it all - no more dealing with multiple contractors, the pool guy, the fence guy, the irrigation guy. We bundle the entire project to make it a seamless experience. Even though our Northeast Ohio spring is just getting started, now is a great time to start planning for a pool or spa for your outdoor living space. Contact us today for a free quote and come see the difference experience makes.

Cleveland Area Landscaping: Spring Cleanups


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Landscaping Services, Landscape Bed Edging, Mulching and Spring Yard Cleanups With the spring season fast approaching, it's time to start thinking about getting your yard or business landscape back in shape. H&M Landscaping will soon be out in full force around the Greater Cleveland Area cleaning up any organic debris remaining from fall and winter. Nothing says spring like a nice deep edge on the beds and the smell of some fresh organic mulch. Give us a call and get a free estimate from one of our sales specialists today!

Chardon Ohio Patio Restoration & Outdoor Kitchen


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland's H&M Landscaping Outdoor Kitchen Sandstone Countertop Installation A customer in Chardon, east of Cleveland, decided they wanted a new backyard to entertain in. They decided on a custom-made fireplace with their very own pizza oven. The structures, as well as the surrounding retaining walls and steps are made of Versa-Lok block. This customer had an outdated patio made of old red road bricks. After removing the material, cleaning, then palletizing it, we were able to reuse the material in their new outdoor living space. The counter tops are 2-1/2 inch buff sandstone and the entire patio is locked in with Polybind Polymeric Sand. With warmer weather fast approaching, now is the time to start planning your new outdoor kitchen and patio for 2022. Call H&M today for a free estimate to design and install your new outdoor living space.

The Best Time for Dormant Pruning your Landscape


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscape Planning during Cleveland Winter Most people don't realize that the middle of winter, especially the months of January and February, is the best time to have your landscaper prune your plants and trees in the Greater Cleveland Area. This is when the plant and/or tree is dormant and there is very little sap and bleeding from a fresh cut. This is also a great time to see the actual shape of the trees, since all of the leaves are long gone. Flowering and ornamental trees with fruit-bearing plants benefit enormously from the winter pruning because it will increase the flowering production come springtime. White Pines and evergreens should be thinned out at this time as well, as the weight of heavy snow and ice can snap off their limbs. Please give H&M Landscaping a call to have a trained professional help with the process of winter dormant pruning. Cleveland may be bitterly cold now, but spring is coming!

Let H&M Design Your New Backyard for 2022


Mark Mazzurco, Company President

Cleveland Landscaping Outdoor Kitchen Pizza Oven With the New Year here, why not let H&M design your new outdoor living space for 2022? Imagine your own outdoor kitchen, right out the back door, where you can grill up a steak or even bake a pizza. We will be happy to prepare your drawings and pricing and you'll be first in line when the spring returns. H&M is ready to survey your property and develop a plan for installation in the spring. You work hard and play hard, but don't forget to slow down and enjoy your property this summer.

Call H&M Landscaping and let one of our design professionals create the backyard of your dreams. Isn't it time to "just say no" to carry out and bake your own pizza? Mangia! Mangia!

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio Even in the dead of winter, H&M Landscaping is still busy working on swimming pool installations (between the snow storms that have recently hit the Cleveland area). With the high demand for new pool installations and long wait times from the pool manufacturers, we have committed to this type of work year round. In many cases, the frozen ground actually makes it easier to excavate - with less damage to the surounding yard. The pool deck and surrounding landscaping can then be completed once the weather breaks.

We use Pentair and Haywood pool products, many with state-of-the-art automation, monitoring systems and automatic covers. There are many styles and options available that will work well for you and your family. We offer completely new installations and renovations of pumps, heaters, filters, and salt water chlorine generators to make the daily maintenance easy. If you already own a pool and are looking to spruce it up a bit (or are having some problems), let us know and we can lend a hand in making suggestions and provide a free quote. H&M Landscaping can install new pools of all kinds and renovate an old, tired, outdated pool to look brand new! Call our office today to find out what we can do for you.

Landscape Construction Material Recycling for the New Year


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscape Construction Material Paver & Deck Recycling in Cleveland With the start of the new year upon us, one of the greatest impacts that you can make to better the environment is to recycle! If you have not started this practice, why not make it a resolution for this year? When applied to your landscaping, recycling can extend to many materials used in and around the house. A good example would be recycled materials for decks, such as composites. Local Cleveland area municipalities will occasionally have pavers from old streets that have been repaired and then sold to the public. These pavers could be used for inlays and other retro designs. Every little bit that one person can do is a benefit for the environment and can be a sustainable way improve your landscaping.

Winter Preparation for Plantings in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Winter Landscape Plant Preparation for Northeast Ohio The recent conditions have been a wonderful break from the typical December winter weather in Ohio. With temperatures often above 50 and staying above freezing during the nights, our landscapers have been doing final cleanups, irrigation shutdowns, pruning and repairing tree damage from the recent heavy winds. We are available to straighten and replant any uprooted trees since the soil has not started to freeze yet. The soil water and nutrients are still available to the roots and will provide a quick start in the spring.

Before the harsh temperatures become prominent, consider removal of plant material in pots. If the pots and the plants they contain are exposed to low winter temperatures, the plants can freeze and perish. They can be transferred to a landscape bed and mulched in to help over winter them. After the plants and soil have been removed from the containers, any concrete pots should be sealed, covered and stored for the winter. Alternatively, potted plants can be moved into an attached garage or a heated shed where temperatures will remain above freezing. H&M wishes everyone Happy Holidays and reminds our loyal customers to reach out to us anytime for all of your landscape needs.

Cleveland Ohio: Putting Your Landscape to Bed


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Winter Landscape Maintenance for your Northeast Ohio Property The holiday season is upon us once again and as we focus on family, friends, trips, and travels, let's not forget to tuck in our landscaping for a snug winter's nap. Just like changing out the smoke detector batteries and adjusting our clocks, landscapes need our attention as well. Take a thorough look at your property and note any trouble spots. For instance, low areas that hold too much water, weak and/or crowded plants, and settling issues with patios and retaining walls. These issues may not have been apparent during our Cleveland summer while the leaves and patio furniture were present. Next "tuck-in" your landscaping for the winter by adding an extra layer of compost to provide winter insulation and a boost of nutrients in the spring. Avoid fertilizers late in the year to prevent new growth that can be susceptible to frost. Finally, while the weather and temperatures allow, seal concrete patios, driveways, and stone counter tops. H&M Landscaping can assist with choosing the appropriate sealer to lock moisture out of the porous surfaces of concrete and stone.

End of year maintenance or "reflecting upon the year", is a prime time to document issues and changes that have taken place with a dynamic and evolving landscape. Any notes and photos taken now (before the snow falls) can also be extremely helpful to our landscape designers as they prepare your projects for the coming spring.

Northeast Ohio Landscape Design and Installation


H&M Landscaping Construction Team

Landscape Design and Installation in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio The beautiful display of colors has suddenly faded away to a snow covered landscape. Another winter has just begun and already many of us are dreaming of Spring, sunny skies and the colorful emerging landscape that comes with it. Why not get a jump-start on next year by working with H&M Landscaping to create your dream project now. Yes, there is still time to have Cleveland's premier landscape design/build firm help you get started for next Spring. That way, all you'll have to do when great weather returns is sit back and enjoy the view. Coupled with our award winning team of designers and hardscape professionals, H&M Landscaping can transform your property into the space you've always dreamed of. It's not too late to make your landscape the envy of the neighborhood - give us a call today!

Irrigation System Winterization and Fall Yard Cleanups


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Landscape Winterization & Cleanup H&M Landscaping is currently working through fall clean-ups and winterizations of irrigation systems for our Cleveland Area customers. Our landscape service crews are also busy cutting down perennials and ornamental grasses to ready these plants for the winter. H&M's irrigation techs are blowing out irrigation systems to ensure that there's no water left in the lines when the ground temps go below freezing later this winter. We service all types of irrigation systems including both Hunter and Rain Bird. If your property isn't winterized yet or you need a fall clean-up, give us a call today and we'll come out for a free estimate to get you prepared for winter.

H&M Landscaping Fall Clean Up Tips


Nick Tinik, Director of Maintenance Operations

Cleveland Landscaping Fall Clean Up Tips Fall is a very important time of year for your turf areas and planting beds when preparing for our cold Cleveland winter creeping up ahead. H&M fall clean up services start you off in the right direction which is key to a thriving spring. Here are some important fall maintenance tips when dealing with turf and beds.

1. Grass should be cut fairly short with properly sharpened blades. This helps the aesthetics of a lawn with an even re-growth.

2. Be sure to properly fertilize your lawn. A final feeding is vital to assure that lawns survive our harsh and bitter weather conditions. H&M Landscaping offers today's top performing fertilizers.

3. Planting beds and turf areas should be free of all debris and excess yard waste- such as leaves and branches. Remaining waste harms lawn surfaces by suffocating the smothered areas causing bare spots. H&M fall clean ups aid in your lawn's rejuvenation come spring.

4. When dealing with landscaped beds, shrubs should be properly pruned- promoting a healthy re-growth. Perennials should ideally be cut down during fall to eliminate unsightly perennial skeletal remains and also minimize shock to new growth in the spring.

I hope these tips help you during your fall clean up and winter preparation! If you have any questions, contact one of our friendly H&M Pros to help guide you along the way. Call us today for a free fall clean up estimate for your Cleveland area business or residential property.

ClifRock: Stone Alternative for Outdoor Design Features


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

H&M Landscaping is a ClifRock Certified Pro-Installer for the Greater Cleveland Area and Northeast Ohio H&M Landscaping has partnered with ClifRock as a Certified Pro-Installer for the Greater Cleveland Area and exclusive dealer for Northeast Ohio. ClifRock is a special system using a panel masonry technology which combines the appearance of stone with simplified installation and lifetime durability. Using advanced technology and our award-winning design experience, we provide full guidance and support to develop unique outdoor designs.

The use of our ClifRock materials is the solution for clients with many obstacles for building with limited access. The strength and durability are ~10x stronger than ordinary concrete yet the result is the beauty of natural stone. Even with our tough Cleveland winters, the durability is unmatched due to a 9000 psi pressure rating against water penetration. Some applications include:

Backyard Waterfalls * Grottos & Caves * Pool Slides and Waterfalls * Fire Pits * Outdoor Fireplaces

BBQ Islands * Outdoor Kitchens * Outdoor Pizza Ovens * Service Areas & Bars * Seating

However, ClifRock is not our only material for the features above. We are not limited like many other landscapers to just one material type. We can also install Unilock, Belgard and several variations of Cultured Stone to match your existing home.

Whatever material you choose, H&M Landscaping can provide the design, materials, installation and most importantly quality service. Thank you for your time and consideration of H&M Landscaping for your next project. Call us today for a free, personalized design consultation.

Fall Landscape Planting Considerations for the Cleveland Area


H&M Landscaping Softscape Team

Cleveland Area Landscaping Fall Planting & Softscaping Considerations Fall can be the best time of year to transplant the shrubs or perennials that you have been wanting to transplant or split up. With the major Cleveland area heat waves gone and the longer days growing shorter, the plants are less stressed when we move them around the landscape, at the end of August and beginning of September especially. Be sure to keep all transplanted plants watered enough to keep the soil around them moist.

The cooler temperatures mean that it's time to think about planting bulbs as well. This is usually done in the fall when the leaves are starting to change colors. It can add some beautiful spring color to your landscape when they flower in April!

H&M Partners with HFS for Landscape Project Financing


H&M Business Development Team

Cleveland Landscape Project Financing by HFS H&M Landscaping has partnered with HFS to assist our customers in securing the best financing available for landscape projects in the Greater Cleveland Area. HFS has one-of-a-kind loan programs and world-class service as shown by 1,500 + 5-star Reviews. HFS's platform loans are personal loans which mean NO EQUITY is needed and all loans fund 100% Direct-to-Consumer. HFS performs a soft credit check to present you with full loan options. You can check your rates HERE with NO IMPACT TO YOUR CREDIT. Whether you want to finance a pool, deck, or any other landscaping project on your Cleveland area property, HFS is your trusted partner for the best loan and customer service in the home improvement industry. APPLY NOW -- HFS - "You Dream It, We Finance It"

Beautiful Stamped Concrete Patio and Fire Pit


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

H&M Landscaping Installs Beautiful Stamped Concrete Patio and Fire Pit near Cleveland H&M Landscaping had the pleasure of completing a beautiful stamped concrete patio and a new lawn with planting beds on a newly constructed home in Chardon, Ohio - just east of Cleveland. The first challenge was the steep grade in the backyard, but we were able to excavate the hillside to level it out. Next, we installed a Sheffield blend Versa-Lok wall and steps to serve as the foundation for the patio. The stamped concrete patio used the Ashlar Slate pattern - the base color was Sun Buff and the secondary release colors were Charcoal and Chestnut.

We installed a split-and-stack fire pit with a gas log starter and a louvered-style seating wall (using Sheffield blend Versa-Lok caps) to go around half of the fire pit area. Planting beds, top dressed with mulch, were then installed along with the new lawn. We harley-raked the existing ground to set the proper grade, remove debris, and spread new topsoil over the entire lawn area prior to hydro-seeding. The Final touch was installation of under-cap lighting on the patio pillars and steps. H&M created a beautiful new backyard that will be enjoyed on cool autumn evenings, sitting by the fire, with plenty of room for family and friends.

If you are considering a project at your Cleveland area home, please contact us as soon as possible for a free estimate and to get your landscaping project booked on this year's schedule.

Landscaping Crews are the Core of Our Business


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland's H&M Landscaping Appreciates Our Landscape Crews As our landscaping season winds down, we hope that you have had a chance to get to know your crews. Some may see the same crew weekly, others only for a few days. Whatever the case may be, we do hope that they were cordial and friendly, but I can say without a doubt, if you talked with them it made an impression.

We have quite a large labor force in the Greater Cleveland Area with multiple skill sets and personalities. Getting the right people together on the job is key. They all know that the impression you as the customer have when they leave the site is the most important thing. Some are new and learning, but these members could be the strength of our team down the road. Others have been with us a long time and many of you ask for them by name. Some of our crews are only here in the Cleveland area for the summer landscaping season. Without this seasonal labor, our capacity to serve would be very limited. Many of them have been coming for years and as you can imagine, they miss their friends and family. I think that many of you have become extended family for them and they thank you for your friendship and patronage.

H&M Landscaping Installs Custom Fiberglass Pools


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Custom Fiberglass Pools Installed by H&M Landscaping H&M Landscaping has the perfect answer to your summertime blues. We design and install custom fiberglass pools in the Greater Cleveland Area. They come in a variety of shapes – natural, classic, rectangular, freeform and kidney. If none of these shapes suit your image of the ideal pool, H&M can design a custom shape to meet your specifications. Specialty installations like lap pools, spas and swim spas are also available. Streams, cascades, bubblers and an infinity edge can give any pool a truly unique look. Kichler LED lighting controlled from your smartphone or tablet adds color and intensity for nighttime enjoyment of your new outdoor living space. The deck surrounding your new fiberglass pool can be as varied and creative as the pool itself. H&M Landscaping crews have years of experience installing everything from stamped and tinted concrete, to Bluestone to Unilock pavers in Cleveland and throughout northeast Ohio. All work is done in house by H&M Landscaping employees, so scheduling is always on-time and on-budget. The advantages of fiberglass pools includes minimal maintenance (as compared to concrete pools) and they don't need resurfacing. Fiberglass pools support less algae, so they need less chlorine, which is healthier for you and the environment. We can also add a salt generator to lower your pool maintenance. Safety is always a concern when installing a pool. Secure and clean automated custom pool covers ensure that your children and pets are protected. Strong enough for a family to stand on, pool covers create a barrier that guarantee safety. Just when you thought you couldn't enjoy your back yard anymore, why not add a built-in pool side grill, a bar and seating area crafted with cultured stone or Belgard dry-stack wall materials. Your backyard will truly become your staycation spot for relaxing and entertaining. Why wait? You've always wanted your own. Call H&M Landscaping today for a free quote.

Landscaping with Ornamental Grasses for Privacy


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland's H&M Landscaping Installs Ornamental Grasses Ornamental grasses are used in many landscape applications, but a lot of homeowners may not think of using them as a privacy fence. Most of the time your common evergreens are used for this purpose. They do work well, but several grasses can be great alternatives and take up less space.

Let's say you live in a typical Cleveland neighborhood where the houses are close together. You have a patio off the back of your home that you love to use regularly. Your neighbor seems to always be out on his patio every time you want to be on yours. You have a flower bed along the patio between the two of you, but it is only a couple of feet wide. You think to yourself, "What can I plant in that narrow of a space to screen out my neighbor?" You run through a list of Spruce, Arborvitae, Pines and Junipers, but they either get too big, grow too slow or are too prickly. Then you think, "I'll just use some grasses!" You clan keep them tall in the winter to see their winter beauty and then cut them in early spring.

So, if you are imagining how you could use some grasses in your yard, give H&M Landscaping a call. One of our sales staff would love to discuss the best options for your property.

2021 Best Landscaping Services Award from


H&M Business Development Team

Landscaping Services in Cleveland H&M Landscaping was recognized in the "Best Landscaping Services" catagory out of over 100 landscaping companies in Cleveland. Expertise connects people with the best local experts. They scored Cleveland Landscaping Services on more than 25 variables across five categories, and analyzed the results to find the best landscapers in the Greater Cleveland Area.

At H&M Landscaping it all starts with a plan. Our design professionals take our clients visions and turn them into reality. Whether it is an outdoor fireplace with an over head pergola or a Japanese garden complete with a water feature and bridge. Our designs have earned awards from the Cleveland Home + Garden Show, Cleveland Botanical Show, the Cleveland Home and Flower Show and two awards for "Best Back Yard in Northern America".

Achillea is a Versatile Landscape Perennial


H&M Landscaping Design Team

Achillea New Vintage Red Flowers & Plantings by H&M Landscaping Achillea (common name – Yarrow) is an often-overlooked perennial in the typical landscape or even in the perennial garden of knowledgeable gardeners. That's a shame because Achillea is a delicate-looking flower that is tougher than it appears. It is named for Achilles; his soldiers applied the plants to their wounds. Achilleas are heavy blooming, happy-go-lucky perennials that grow in almost any soil and tolerate heat, drought and wind. They prefer full sun to light shade and butterflies love them. Achilleas flower from mid-summer to mid-fall in soft shades of orange, copper, red, purple, pink, yellow and white. The flowers array in gently arching lids on the top of green stalks. In the center of the flower clusters, many cultivars have a small button of a lighter shade of the flower’s color.

Yarrows grow from six to 60 inches tall. King Edward is a short cultivar that produces masses of light-yellow flowers. Walter Funke, at about 14 inches, blooms red and yellow. Achillea Gold Plate can grow to four or five feet in height. There are many other choices in size and color for the designer to select. Depending on the cultivar, Achillea can be grown in hardiness zones 3 to 10. They spread easily so plant them with room to roam. As cut flowers or dried flowers, Achilleas shine in either setting. If you're planning a new garden or just adding to an old layout, ask your H&M Landscaping professional to include some Achilleas. As they mature, you'll learn to love this hardy little perennial.

Cleveland Heights Patio Restoration by H&M Landscaping


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland Heights Patio Restoration by H&M Landscaping One of our customers in Cleveland Heights decided it was time for a change with their outdoor living space. H&M carefully disassembled the old raised patio and stored the materials on site for use in the new patio design. We then installed Belgard's Versa-Lok® Retaining Wall System in Oxford Gray color to really made this backyard patio space come alive. The Sandstone from the old patio mixed with new clay-cut brick really pulled this living space together. Sandstone accents were added throughout the new clay brick patio helped give this patio the finishing touches it needed. Soon the customer will be adding in Kichler low-voltage lighting throughout the patio and surrounding planting beds. Call H&M Landscaping today to get the ideas flowing for your new upcoming outdoor living space.

H&M Landscaping Installs Extra Mosquito Protection


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Mosquito Protection by H&M Landscaping Homeowners looking to maximize comfort in an outdoor living space can't ignore mosquitos. NuTone Manufacturing introduced the HAVEN Repellent System a couple of years ago. It's a 12V fixture that resembles a path light and can be connected directly to a low voltage lighting transformer. Each Haven fixture emits a vapor of metofluthrin – the same mosquito repellant that's in the OFF ™ Clip-On. It can be used day or night (since different species of mosquitos are active at different times). By simply installing them every 10 feet around a patio or deck, you can repel these pesky mosquitos once and for all.

The easiest system offered is a dedicated 150W IT Transformer with Bluetooth which can hold up to 12 fixtures. You don’t even have to get up to turn it on: simply load the App to your smart phone or iPad, set it up on a timer or turn it on/off manually. It’s best to turn on the system about 15 minutes before going outside so the metofluthrin can activate, vaporize the area and force the mosquitos out of the living space.

H&M Landscaping is a complete in-house design/build firm offering a full range of services including spring clean-ups, irrigation maintenance installs, maintenance and upgrades to your existing systems, low voltage LED lighting, hardscapes, softscape plantings, water features, carpentry, electrical, drainage, fertilization, full design services and complete lawn maintenance packages. Give H&M a call today- as it's never too late to discuss your summer landscape needs and dreams!

Another H&M Landscaping Beautiful Backyard Transformation


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscape Outdoor Patio Design by H&M Landscaping H&M was proud to be part of this large project near Cleveland. We removed an old deck from the house and then started with a clean slate. The first step was to install the new composite decking. We used TimberTech brand decking - in Silver Maple finish. We completed the deck with custom sandstone-topped seating benches trimmed in composite to match the deck. The next thing we worked on was the grill and kitchen area. We used cultured stone to match the house and installed a new 36" AOG grill with rotisserie. We finished the kitchen area by installing a custom sandstone countertop.

We moved on from there and started with the hardscape retaining walls. The customer chose Belgard brand Versa-Lok wall stone and picked Sheffield blend as the color choice. The fire pit was Belgard Brussels Block with a gas log lighter installed to make lighting the fire problem free. The patio surface itself is 1" thermal bluestone in the "full range" color. We re-purposed old sandstone curbs as steps by cutting and rock facing the fronts. This always adds a great conversation starter with guests, as these old curbs are reclaimed from vintage Northeast Ohio roads. The plant selections were specific for this backyard as well due to the unique area with less sunlight and deer-resistant needs.

Projects like these are great to do all at once, but don't feel like you need to undertake an entire job all in one year. H&M Landscaping can implement your design in phases, done over several years, to realize your ultimate dreamscape! We also offer financing options if it suits your needs better. Please reach out anytime for a no-charge estimate with zero hassle.

3-Step Lawn Rejuvenation to Recover from Thatch


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Cleveland Area Lawn Care by H&M Landscaping What is thatch? Thatch is a layer of living and dead organic matter at the surface of the soil. Thatch can be beneficial to have if it's less than half an inch. It can help to insulate the yard from extreme temperatures, protect from foot traffic and prevent weed germination from reaching the soil. When thatch becomes excessive and has become thicker than half an inch it can create many issues. It can harbor pests and many lawn diseases. Eventually thatch can limit the ability of oxygen and water to filtrate through to the root system. It may interfere with insecticides and fertilizers as well making them less effective.

Step 1: Thatch will have to be removed mechanically with a dethatcher. What this does is remove the dead and living root system from the lawn. This will create a very unsightly view of all organic dead matter. The main purpose of dethatching the lawn is to get rid of the "carpet like feeling" from the lawn by breaking it up and removing that layer of thatch. After dethatching, removal of all leftover thatch and lawn debris will need to be done manually with a rake.

Step 2: Aeration of the entire lawn. The main purpose of aerating the lawn is to penetrate and break up the compacted soil. You will start by poking holes about 4 inches apart with a 2-inch depth in about a one- half inch diameter with an aerator. This process will allow nutrients, oxygen and water to penetrate the root system in the soil and reduce compaction.

Step 3: Slit seeding will be the final process to complete the lawn overseeding. A slit seeder is used to accomplish this by creating small grooves or slits in the ground where the seed will be injected. This process will have to be done throughout the entire lawn. As the seed is being put down the slit seeder will inject seeds into every plug from the aerating process. It is also recommended to broadcast seed after aerating the lawn.

Outdoor Fireplace & Fire Pit Installation


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Cleveland's H&M Landscaping Outdoor Fireplace Kitchen Installation One of the best and most economical upgrades you can make to your outdoor living area is the addition of a fire feature. There are endless options and ideas out there that H&M Landscaping can design and build for you and your family to enjoy for years to come.

You can decide on a simple fire pit for wood burning logs or a natural gas/propane fire pit with beautiful fire glass. You could have an actual outdoor fireplace complete with dry wood storage. Whether we frame your new fire feature in with a custom pergola or build your new fire pit with small stadium seating to accommodate all your friends and family at once, we can help you design and build a lasting and memorable addition to your outdoor living space. H&M can design and build anything from a simple dry stack fire pit, natural stone or a custom masonry fire pit.

Ask one of our salesmen or design specialists how we can incorporate fire features into your existing landscape or create a whole new outdoor living area from scratch, centered around your new fire feature!

Landscape Design: Healing and Wellness Gardens


H&M Landscaping Design Team

H&M Landscaping Designs Health and Wellness Gardens The healthcare profession in the past few decades has begun to see the light when it comes to a holistic approach to health. It is commonplace now for hospitals to include wellness gardens and contemplative gardens in their site designs. The same opportunities are available to the home owner. These gardens provide a place of refuge and promote healing in patients, families, and staff. Any environment can promote healing, but gardens are particularly able to do so because humans are hard-wired to find nature engrossing and soothing. The goals and design ideas are the same:

Ask your H&M professional designer for help making your garden a place of healing and relaxation. He or she will have a host of healthful ideas.

H&M Landscaping: Expert Mulch Installation Services


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

H&M Landscaping - Cleveland Mulching Install for Landscaped Beds Mulching is one of the best things you can do for your garden. This is the act of placing a protective barrier around your plants and over your bare soil. This protective barrier can be made up of a variety of decomposing organic materials, including bark (from various tree species), pine needles and straw. Call H&M Landscaping to provide expert mulch installation services anywhere in the Greater Cleveland Area. Here are some of the biggest advantages of mulching:

Beat the Heat with a Swimming Pool Installation or Renovation


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio Did you know that H&M Landscaping installs pools? We have expanded our resume in recent years to encompass design and installation of pools and spas in the Greater Cleveland Area. Not only can we design and develop your outdoor living space, but we can also incorporate a pool or spa that you and your family can enjoy on a daily basis.

The team at H&M Landscaping works with Latham's "best-in-class" line of pool products. Latham is the largest designer, manufacturer and marketer of inground residential swimming pools in North America, Australia and New Zealand with over six decades of experience at the center of the backyard lifestyle. We share a passion for transforming backyards into welcoming extensions of the home, centered on upgrading your space for memorable enjoyment for you and your family. As a Latham Grand Dealer, H&M Landscaping is a top tier pool builder with the training, knowledge and expertise to turn your dream backyard plan into reality.

We use Pentair and Haywood pool products, many with state-of-the-art automation and monitoring systems. There are many styles and options available that will work well for you and your family. If you already own a pool and are looking to spruce it up a bit (or are having some problems), let us know and we can lend a hand in making suggestions and provide a free quote. H&M Landscaping can install new pools of all kinds and renovate an old, tired, outdated pool to look brand new! Beat the summer heat and call our office today to find out what we can do for you.

H&M Landscaping Installs Fire Magic Grills in Cleveland


H&M Landscaping Design Team

H&M Landscaping Installs Fire Magic Grills in Cleveland The center piece of your new outdoor kitchen designed by H&M Landscaping may well be a Fire Magic Grill. Imagine placing steaks, ribs, chicken or veggies on a sizzling top-of-the-line gas grill. The Echelon Diamond is the best built-in Fire Magic Grill model. It is for those discriminating grillers who know that grilling is not just about cooking meat. It's a way of life, a life-style choice which demands wind in the hair while flipping a burger. The Echelon Diamond is for those discerning chefs. The Aurora, on the other hand, is a stand-alone grill with just as much heat-generating power as the Echelon Diamond. No T-bone will be safe in its presence. And you can move it to the shelter of the deck when the snow makes backyard grilling a frozen improbability.

If smoke is your preference, and slow cooking suits your personality, Fire Magic Grills has you covered. High-performance charcoal grills and smokers are available in built-in, drop-in and stand-alone models. Other Fire Magic Grill options make grilling a blazing breeze as well. Value-priced Legacy grills are ideal for smaller spaces. If the condo association or apartment manager forbids gas grills, Fire Magic Grills are available in electric models. Accessories include side grills, ideal for taming a fat slab of tuna. Refrigerators, beverage centers and drawers can complete your backyard kitchen. Smoker baskets, griddles, woks, grill lights and insulated liners are just a few of the extras that can be added to make the chef's fun complete. Fire Magic Grills have been around for 75 years with top-quality products unsurpassed in the industry. Want the best? Call H&M Landscaping today and get ready to grill.

Cleveland Area Irrigation System Installation & Maintenance


Nick Tinik, Director of Maintenance Operations

Landscape Irrigation Repair and Installs in Cleveland It's been dry this past week for a change and temperatures are expected to climb here in Northeast Ohio. With all the effort and hard work you've put into your yard, is your investment protected with a worry free irrigation system? Call the irrigation experts at H&M Landscaping(servicing the entire Greater Cleveland Area) to get an old system up and running, or for a complete new install. Our staff is well versed in all types of systems- including drip irrigation, pop-up heads, rotors and spray misters. We use quality products from Hunter, Rain Bird and Toro to give you a maintenance free system with outstanding results. We've got you covered with new installs on everything from newly seeded lawns or sod, to gardens, flowers, trees and shrubs. Give our office a call today and one of our irrigation specialists will gladly assist you!

Landscape Enhancements: Take Your Property to the Next Level


H&M Landscape Enhancement Team

Landscape Enhancements like this Waterfall will Take Your Property to the Next Level There are many ways to enhance the look of your property. For some, it may be a new patio, deck or pool. For others, the installation of new flowers, shrubs or trees may be all it takes to give a fresh, new appearance. Stone features are one way of giving your landscape a great look. We can supply and install a variety of different stone features, including waterfalls. This addition can give your property the final touch it needs to achieve "eye-catching" status.

Call H&M Landscaping today to schedule an appointment with one of our sales representatives to see what we can suggest to take your landscape to the next level.

H&M Landscaping Solves Your Yard Drainage Problems


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

H&M Landscaping Services Solves Your Yard Drainage Problems With copious rainfall thoughout Northeast Ohio lately, you may have noticed overflowing drain pipes or gutters. Not attending to these issues promptly can lead to several serious problems in your home down the road - like wet basements or foundation failures. H&M Landscaping can take care of that wet yard and solve all of your drainage woes. We use the latest technology, including drones to inspect hard-to-reach roofs or gutters and remote HD video cameras that can snake down and inspect drains out to 150 feet. We can supply you with a full analysis of your drainage system and recommend a cost effective, long lasting solution. Whether it's a clean-out of your existing system, or design and installation of a new one - we've got you covered. Get in touch with us today and let us help you keep your property high and dry for years to come.

Landscape Maintenance: April Showers Bring May Flowers


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

H&M Landscaping Maintenance Mulching Clean-up in Cleveland It has been a wild ride this spring. A relatively mild winter and warm March has us about a month ahead of the growing season this time last year. A lot of plants pushed early only to be hit with a nasty April snow with some pretty bitter temperatures. If you have Lilies and Pachysandra, you have probably noticed some of the damage. The plants will recover, however only time will tell if all the Lilies bloom.

If you live in an area with any kind of deer population, they too are enjoying the early spring and have been feasting on your Hosta and various other tender plants (Lilies included). H&M offers a deer control product that can be helpful in deterring the critters, but it is not a one-and-done treatment. We recommend starting with 10 treatments and adjusting after that. Current customers have had success with 6 applications, while others may need weekly visits.

The mild winter has also helped the weeds. They will grow in all kinds of weather, but winter annuals have been growing like crazy. Winter annuals germinate in the fall, live through the winter, flower and die. The nasty looking weed with the little white flower is Bittercress. It has taken over a lot of beds this year and also popped up in many lawns. Annual Bluegrass (most people consider it a weed although it probably has filled in any bare spot you may have had in your yard) is nice and healthy. The true annual variety will fade away during the first hot spell we encounter and there is nothing you can do about it. Try to reseed these bare areas with perennial grasses. I have encountered a winter annual Violet this year. It looks nice in the bed, but has also moved into the lawn. The customer doesn't want it in either area. Again, a true annual will die, but not before seeding so it can be around again next year to bother you. A healthy, full lawn is your best defense for weed encroachment. Proper feeding and weed treatment will be necessary to keep it that way. If you have any true annual weed issues, a pre-emergent weed treatment in the fall would be very beneficial.

A weed is anything growing where you don't want it. Take a look at the pictures of the purple Violets (these are not the annual type). One picture is of a lawn area, the other is from a bed area. Depending on who you talk to, it may be a weed in both situations, or desirable in both situations. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

April showers bring May flowers, and this year snow plowers. Remember, we live in Ohio; you can do everything right and get thrown a curve that changes everything. Enjoy the weather today because who knows what is coming!

Design, Installation & Renovation of Custom Patios


Steve Fuller, Construction Supervisor

Cleveland's H&M Landscaping Designs, Installs and Renovates all types of Patios The Cleveland winter is stubbornly hanging on, but spring will be in full swing soon. H&M Landscaping is getting our season kicked off with many new patio installations and renovations. Our crews are experts with all types of hardscapes and we love installing paver patios. We believe patios can add a lot of character and provide convenience and versatility to your property. A paver patio installation can offer a great space to entertain and relax on comfy outdoor furniture. You can also look forward to a built-in grill, firepit, or custom water feature. You'll not only increase your home resale value, but you will add additional living space and improve your quality of life for years to come. H&M Landscaping will pay special attention to the details - and that makes all the difference when it comes to quality patios. Your design options are endless with choice of borders, paver rugs, and color scheme to blend or provide contrast with your home. Call us today and start your new project with a consultation from Cleveland's premier landscaper.

Landscape Ground Covers - An Alternative to Mulch


Jerry Wilthew, Maintenance Account Manager

Cleveland's H&M Landscaping Creeping Juniper Ground Cover Installation Spring is here - and as you think about ways to dress up your mulched/bed areas, you might consider ground covers instead. They can be very attractive and have two good attributes: weed control and erosion control.

Maybe there is an area that always gets overrun by weeds. A thick cover keeps the area shaded and is very effective in keeping out unwanted species. You may have to be patient in getting that cover thick, but it could be well worth it. English Ivy would be one choice for rapid establishment; however, you need to keep it in check as it could overtake beds, trees and lawns. Severely sloped areas can be fortified with a creeping Juniper variety as seen in this shoreline break wall near Cleveland. Again, patience is needed for total coverage which is helpful for keeping stone or bed material in place. Pachysandra or Myrtle (Periwinkle) are two slower-spreading varieties that could be used as part of your plans in any bedding area. You don't have to fill in entire beds, just use the ground cover as part of your planning scheme. You are the artist in your back yard - H&M can assist in exploring alternatives to the normal and make your living space special.

H&M Landscaping: Latham Partner for Cleveland Pool Installations


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

H&M Landscaping is a Latham Partner for Cleveland Pool Installations Selecting the right pool company is an important decision in building your dream backyard lifestyle. When planning, we encourage you to deal with a company with a proven track record and reputation for the finest pool products and components in the industry. Given our experience, H&M Landscaping can be that company for you!

The team at H&M Landscaping works with Latham's "best-in-class" line of pool products. Latham is the largest designer, manufacturer and marketer of inground residential swimming pools in North America, Australia and New Zealand with over six decades of experience at the center of the backyard lifestyle. We share a passion for transforming backyards into welcoming extensions of the home, centered on upgrading your space for memorable enjoyment for you and your family. H&M Landscaping has the expertise in managing expectations to ensure the entire process - from idea to completion - goes swimmingly. As a Latham Grand Dealer, we are top tier pool builders with the training, knowledge and expertise to turn your dream backyard lifestyle into reality. We'll stay with you through every step of the process - from excavation to your first big cannonball - with exceptional and reliable service.

As a trusted Latham partner, we're ready to create an unforgettable backyard experience your family will truly enjoy. H&M Landscaping has the resources and expertise to tackle any pool project at any scale. Please contact us today or visit our Latham Dealer Page to beat the summer rush!

Spring is Here: Get a Professional Clean-Up for Your Landscape


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscape Spring Bed Cleanups in the Greather Cleveland Area The first week of spring is always so exciting, as it welcomes the feeling of a new year all over again. Perennials are barely poking through and breaking that hard, crusty layer of soil that winter leaves behind as it begins to thaw. You can feel the temperatures warming up and it encourages you to get out and resume outdoor activities. Once you look around, you'll quickly realize the mess winter left behind. Our enhancement crews have been busy here at H&M Landscaping performing our spring clean-ups. We provide leaf clean-ups with state-of-the-art blowing equipment while manually removing branches, sticks and all other winter debris throughout your beds and lawn areas.

Once all beds, hard surfaces and yard areas have been completed, the crew will begin to remove old grasses and remaining perennials and perform shrub trimming with power shears and hand pruners on all shrubs and trees requiring service. All beds and tree rings are deep edged both mechanically and manually with a bed edgers and edging spades. This will prepare all bed areas and tree rings to be mulched for a fresh clean look for your property. Please give us a call for a free landscape consultation that best fits your needs. Services range from a one-time enhancement to a fully-inclusive maintenance program. A spring clean-up helps you to achieve great curb appeal and allows you to get out to enjoy that beautiful landscape!

Let H&M Design & Install Your Deck with Trex


H&M Landscaping Design Team

Landscape Deck Design & Installation Trex Decks The backyard deck is a staple of many landscape designs. Decks are a great place to enjoy warm summer days, grill some burgers and just plain relax with a glass of iced tea or lemonade. The major improvement in deck construction in the last couple of decades is the availability of high-quality man-made materials. A leader in that field is Trex, the world's number one decking brand. Trex has been making their composite products since 1996. Trex decks are eco-friendly and low maintenance, extending deck life and requiring less work for the homeowner. Trex products include deck framing systems, deck planking, deck railings, fencing and other items. Fascia boards, spiral stairs, hardware and aluminum gates are just some of the accessories that Trex offers to complete the job.

Trex products come in a broad spectrum of colors and textures. The full material palette means the designer has plenty of options with which to satisfy every client's project whims and requests. H&M Landscaping designers are experts in that department. Earth-tone planking with exotic names like Spiced Rum, Tree House, Tiki Torch, Island Mist and Beach Dune make for some fun decisions. Imagine an Island Mist deck combined with white railings. The result -- a bold design statement in your backyard.

Custom overhead pergolas and built-in bars can be added to your new Trex deck. Fire pits, grills, low-voltage lighting and a water bubbler complete the outdoor room. Imagine an old fashion hammock or swing suspended from the beams of your Trex-built shade canopy. At dusk the lights turn on from a preset timer. The evening enjoyment of the deck includes a twilight dinner under the stars.

H&M Landscaping designers and crews have years of experience creating and building knock down gorgeous decks. Why not give us a call today - summer will be here before you can say "Who wants another hot dog?"

Bluestone Patio Landscape Installation in Cleveland


H&M Landscaping Construction Team

Bluestone Patio Landscape Installation in Cleveland Ohio H&M Landscaping installed a fantastic bluestone patio recently in the Cleveland suburbs. To begin this project, the soil was excavated down 8" followed by installation of 4" of compacted limestone. Next, a 4" concrete pad with a brass drain(to help collect any surface water) and wire mesh was installed to strengthen the pad that will be the base for the patio. The bluestone is set in mortar on the concrete pad and cut to the proper length to fit the pattern. The joints were then filled with mortar and smoothed out so water won't collect in them. Finally, the patio is power washed to remove debris and is ready for use. If you would like a bluestone patio like this installed in your outdoor space, please contact our office and we would be happy to visit your property and assist you in the process.

Multi-Phase Landscape Restoration with Butterfly Habitat


H&M Landscaping Business Development Team

Multi-Phase Landscape Restoration with Butterfly Habitat in Cleveland Ohio H&M Landscaping was involved in a multi-phase landscape project at the Arhaus corporate headquarters and distribution center in Boston Heights. The initial phase included the installation of over 400 evergreen and shade trees plus 350 shrubs and perennials at the 770,000 square foot facility, located just south of Cleveland. The second phase of the project focused on the restoration of a portion of the site to a butterfly habitat. In addition to planting hundreds of milkweed plants, Arhaus has asked that we include many other pollinator species such as Joe-Pye Weed, Butterfly Bush, Aster and Coneflower. No job is too big or too small, please contact H&M Landscaping today for expert help with your upcoming project.

The Northeast Ohio Spring is Fast Approaching


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Northeast Ohio Spring Landscaping Services With the spring equinox fast approaching, it's time to start thinking about getting your outdoor living space in order. Nothing starts the season off on the right foot better than a spring clean up with a deep bed edging, trimming, pruning and fresh colored mulch of your preference. We offer customized maintenance programs to satisfy all of your landscaping needs. Whether you live In Mentor, Rocky River, Hudson or anywhere else in Northeast Ohio, H&M Landscaping has you covered. Give our office a call today - to beat the spring rush - and one of specialists will gladly assist you with all of your landscaping needs. When the spring finally comes, you'll be able to relax and enjoy your beautiful yard.

H&M Landscaping President Honored by Marquis Who's Who


H&M Landscaping Marketing Team

H&M Landscaping President Honored by Marquis Who's Who Mark Mazzurco has been included in Marquis Who's Who. As in all Marquis Who's Who biographical volumes, individuals profiled are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.

Respected for his decades of professional experience, Mr. Mazzurco has excelled as the president of H&M Landscaping and H&M Snow Pros for more than 30 years. In this position, he is responsible for meeting with the executive vice president to discuss sales and budgeting activities, scheduling appointments with high-end clients to develop, design and quote elements of a landscape enhancement project, and acting as mentor and coach to sales and management staff. In addition, Mr. Mazzurco found success with M&I Properties, a real estate investment company through which he purchased or has owned over 100 properties in the Cleveland, Ohio area.

Before embarking on his professional path, Mr. Mazzurco earned his high school diploma in 1990. He subsequently garnered many business certifications to further refine his skills within his field. Considering his exceptional accomplishments, Mr. Mazzurco has accepted several accolades throughout his impressive career. Honored for Unilock's Best Back Yard in North America, his work has also been recognized for Best House at the 2017 HBA Outdoor Lighting Awards and Best in Show in the Cleveland Great Big Home+Garden Show in 2020. Mr. Mazzurco's company was additionally celebrated as the Best East Cleveland Landscape Contractor by Cleveland Magazine from 2012 to 2013, and the Best of the Best by Cleveland Landscaper from 2016 to 2019. Mr. Mazzurco is a Belgard Authorized Master Craftsman.

Establishing his business as a sophomore in high school, as he had enjoyed landscaping during the summers throughout his youth, Mr. Mazzurco was also inspired by the opportunity to work for himself. Likewise, he was influenced by his middle-class family, who encouraged him to work harder to obtain the finer things in life. Growing revenues to more than $17.5 million over the course of his tenure with H&M Landscaping, Mr. Mazzurco attributes his success to his hard work, perseverance, reinvesting in the people working for him and his continued education in the field.

Mr. Mazzurco has contributed to many civic endeavors beyond his professional circles, including the Dr. Susan Love Foundation for breast cancer, who funds research to end the disease and improve the lives of people impacted by it through education and advocacy. He has also been affiliated with various organizations in relation to his area of expertise, such as the Ohio Landscapers Association, the Ohio Nursery Association, and the Snow and Ice Management Association.

Among the many highlights of his storied career, Mr. Mazzurco is proud to have served as a father figure to his nearly 150 employees, nurturing their professional development and prioritizing their welfare, while at the same time honing his communication skills to further solidify his commitment to fixing his mistakes and ensuring that his projects are completed correctly and efficiently. Furthermore, he cites his wife, Stacey, as the foundation for his current success. She has thrived as a mother and a businesswoman operating as the chief financial officer and chief executive officer of their home raising their two daughters, Maria, and Isabella, allowing him to focus his time and energy on growing the business. Looking toward the future, Mr. Mazzurco hopes to dedicate more time to his family and traveling while remaining involved with H&M Landscaping and H&M Snow Pros in a limited capacity. He plans to pass along control to those who have helped him build the business.

The Best Time for Dormant Pruning your Landscape


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Landscape Planning during Cleveland Winter Most people don't realize that the middle of winter, especially the months of January and February, is the best time to have your landscaper prune your plants and trees in the Greater Cleveland Area. This is when the plant and/or tree is dormant and there is very little sap and bleeding from a fresh cut. This is also a great time to see the actual shape of the trees, since all of the leaves are long gone. Flowering and ornamental trees with fruit-bearing plants benefit enormously from the winter pruning because it will increase the flowering production come springtime. White Pines and evergreens should be thinned out at this time as well, as the weight of heavy snow and ice can snap off their limbs. Please give H&M Landscaping a call to have a trained professional help with the process of winter dormant pruning. Cleveland may be bitterly cold now, but spring is coming!

Plan Your New Landscape This Winter


Landscape Design/Sales Team

Landscape Planning during Cleveland Winter There's a thick layer of white stuff throughout the yard. Drifts of snow curl around pine and spruce. The roads are edged with blackened slush. Unseen, neighborhood squirrels and sparrows snuggle in their lairs. Howling winds take the shine right off your shoes. If you are considering landscape improvements to a residential or commercial property, the dead of winter is the ideal season to contact one of H&M Landscaping's sales associates. He or she will be pleased to hear from you.

Thinking of a new patio with concrete pavers or fired brick, or maybe Bluestone or textured and tinted concrete? Now is the time to call. One of our experienced sales associates will work with you to design the ideal patio - shape, size and top quality materials like Unilock pavers, retaining walls and fire pits. How about coming home to a complete outdoor living space using Belgard products? Or maybe a built-in gas grill with masonry walls and a granite top is on your wish list. We will be happy to prepare your drawings and pricing and you'll be first in line when the robins return. You'll be grilling while the neighbors are still waiting for other contractors to come out and look at the site.

Would a fresh lawn and new plantings make the yard a pleasure to enjoy? It's hard to imagine with all the snow covering the Petunias. H&M is ready to survey your property and develop a plan for installation in the spring. Is there a water feature in your future? Will the soothing sounds of a fountain or Koi pond or waterfall ease your daily stress? Call H&M today. We can put together a bid for your new water feature or Aquascape Koi Pond that will make you the envy of your neighborhood.

H&M Designs Your Relaxing Living Space for 2021


Mark Mazzurco, Company President

Cleveland Landscaping Outdoor Kitchen Pizza Oven According to Reuters, an American professional works an average of 55 hours per week. Outside the office, they have an average of 30 hours of family commitments or obligations per week, 10 hours of other commitments and sleep an average of 7 hours per day.

If my math is correct, that only leaves 24 hours for the entire week to sit down and relax. With the New Year here, why not let H&M design your new outdoor living space for 2021. Imagine your own outdoor kitchen, right out the back door, where you can grill up a steak or even bake a pizza. You work hard and play hard, but don't forget to slow down and enjoy your property this summer.

Call H&M Landscaping and let one of our design professionals create the backyard of your dreams. Isn't it time to "just say no" to carry out and bake your own pizza? Mangia! Mangia!

Landscape Construction Material Recycling for the New Year


H&M Landscaping Construction Division

Landscape Construction Material Paver & Deck Recycling in Cleveland With the start of the new year upon us, one of the greatest impacts that you can make to better the environment is to recycle! If you have not started this practice, why not make it a resolution for this year? When applied to your landscaping, recycling can extend to many materials used in and around the house. A good example would be recycled materials for decks, such as composites. Local Cleveland area municipalities will occasionally have pavers from old streets that have been repaired and then sold to the public. These pavers could be used for inlays and other retro designs. Every little bit that one person can do is a benefit for the environment and can be a sustainable way improve your landscaping.

Winter Preparation for Plantings in Northeast Ohio


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Winter Landscape Plant Preparation for Northeast Ohio The past few days have been a wonderful break for the typical December winter weather in Ohio. With temperatures staying in the 50s and above freezing during the nights, our landscapers have been pruning and repairing tree damage from the recent heavy snow. We are available to straighten and replant any uprooted trees since the soil has not started to freeze yet. The soil water and nutrients are still available to the roots and will provide a quick start in the spring.

Before the harsh temperatures become prominent, consider removal of plant material in pots. If the pots and the plants they contain are exposed to low winter temperatures, the plants can freeze and perish. They can be transferred to a landscape bed and mulched in to help over winter them. After the plants and soil have been removed from the containers, any concrete pots should be sealed, covered and stored for the winter. Alternatively, potted plants can be moved into an attached garage or a heated shed where temperatures will remain above freezing. H&M wishes everyone Happy Holidays and reminds our loyal customers to reach out to us anytime for all of your landscape needs.

Cleveland Pools & Spas - Start Planning Now


Mark Mazzurco, President

Cleveland & Northeast Ohio Pools & Spas - Landscape Design & Installation Did you know that H&M Landscaping installs pools? We have expanded our resume in recent years to encompass design and installation of pools and spas in the Greater Cleveland Area. Not only can we design and develop your outdoor living space, but we can also incorporate a pool or spa that you and your family can enjoy on a daily basis. One company that does it all- no more dealing with multiple contractors, the pool guy, the fence guy, the irrigation guy. We bundle the entire project to make it a seamless experience. Even though our Northeast Ohio winter is about to get started, now is a great time to start planning for a pool or spa for your outdoor living space. Contact us today for a free quote and come see the difference experience makes.

Northeast Ohio: Putting Your Landscape to Bed


H&M Landscaping Maintenance Division

Winter Landscape Maintenance for your Northeast Ohio Property The holiday season is upon us once again and as we focus on family, friends, trips, and travels, let's not forget to tuck in our landscaping for a snug winter's nap. Just like changing out the smoke detector batteries and adjusting our clocks, landscapes need our attention as well. Take a thorough look at your property and note any trouble spots. For instance, low areas that hold too much water, weak and/or crowded plants, and settling issues with patios and retaining walls. These issues may not have been apparent during the summer while the leaves and patio furniture were present. Next "tuck-in" your landscaping for the Northeast Ohio winter by adding an extra layer of compost to provide winter insulation and a boost of nutrients in the spring. Avoid fertilizers late in the year to prevent new growth that can be susceptible to frost. Finally, while the weather and temperatures allow, seal concrete patios, driveways, and stone counter tops. H&M Landscaping can assist with choosing the appropriate sealer to lock moisture out of the porous surfaces of concrete and stone.

End of year maintenance or "reflecting upon the year", is a prime time to document issues and changes that have taken place with a dynamic and evolving landscape. Any notes and photos taken now (before the snow falls) can also be extremely helpful to our landscape designers as they prepare your projects for the coming spring.

Irrigation System Winterization and Fall Yard Cleanups


Nick Tinik, Director of Maintenance Operations

Cleveland Area Landscape Winterization & Cleanup H&M Landscaping is currently working through fall clean-ups and winterizations of irrigation systems for our Cleveland Area customers. Our landscape service crews are also busy cutting down perennials and ornamental grasses to ready these plants for the winter. H&M's irrigation techs are blowing out irrigation systems to ensure that there's no water left in the lines when the ground temps go below freezing later this winter. We service all types of irrigation systems including both Hunter and Rain Bird. If your property isn't winterized yet or you need a fall clean-up, give us a call today and we'll come out for a free estimate to get you prepared for winter.

Belgard Versa-Lok Retaining Wall in Pepper Pike Ohio


Steve Fuller, Construction Supervisor

Belgard Versa-Lok Retaining Wall in Pepper Pike Ohio H&M Landscaping installed a beautiful new Belgard Versa-Lok retaining wall in Pepper Pike, Ohio. The client needed this retaining wall to support the grade change on their property and our hardscape certified technicians expertly completed the project with the following steps: First and foremost, we excavated below the starting point of the wall to reach a solid sub-grade. Next, we installed a base material at six inches (five of the six inches of #617 limestone- compacted in two inch lifts) and finished off with compacted highway sand and limestone screenings. Once the base material was installed, we were ready to start laying down the Versa-Lok product. Each piece of block has two Versa-Tuff pins installed that extend through the block and into the bottom unit. We then installed perforated pipe (wrapped in fabric) and back-filled with washed gravel for proper drainage. Finally, we installed the Versa-Lok cap unit using a high strength waterproof glue for maximum adhesion. You can trust a job like this to the trained specialists at H&M Landscaping- we would love to come out to your property and help you with your project.

Multi-Division Landscape Installation in Bainbridge Ohio


H&M Landscaping Business Development Team

Multi-Division Landscape Design & Installation in Bainbridge Ohio H&M Landscaping was proud to be involved with the landscape installation for the Weils Memory Care Pavilion in Bainbridge Ohio. The project involved coordination between every division of the company. Our Construction Division installed an arbor and cedar fencing. Our Masonry Division installed stained concrete patios, walkways and hand rails. H&M's Hardscape Division installed Belgard retaining walls and a self contained water feature. An irrigation system was installed by our Irrigation Division and the softscape crews and Maintenance Division provided plant and turf installation as well as miscellaneous amenities required at the site.

No matter how complex, H&M Landscaping has the resources and expertise to tackle any project at any scale. Please contact us now for any and all of your landscaping needs.

Northeast Ohio Landscape Design and Installation


H&M Landscaping Construction Team

Northeast Ohio Landscape Design and Installation in Cleveland As we all know, Northeast Ohio has a beautiful display of colors this time of year. However, with the falling leaves comes the colder weather, and many of us begin dreaming of Spring, sunny skies and the colorful emerging landscape that comes with it. Why not get a jump-start on next year by working with H&M Landscaping to create your dream project THIS YEAR! Yes, there is still time to have Cleveland's premier landscape design/build firm help you ease into next Spring. That way, all you'll have to do when great weather returns is sit back and enjoy the view.

Cooler, more consistent temperatures and soil moisture levels make Fall a perfect time to plant many varieties of trees and shrubs. Coupled with our award winning team of designers and hardscape professionals, H&M Landscaping can transform your property into the space you've always dreamed of. It's not too late to make your landscape the envy of the neighborhood!

H&M Landscaping Fall Clean Up Tips


Nick Tinik, Director of Maintenance Operations

Cleveland Landscaping Fall Clean Up Tips Fall is a very important time of year for your turf areas and planting beds when preparing for our cold winter months creeping up ahead. H&M fall clean up services start you off in the right direction which is key to a thriving spring. Here are some important fall maintenance tips when dealing with turf and beds.

1. Grass should be cut fairly short with properly sharpened blades. This helps the aesthetics of a lawn with an even re-growth.

2. Be sure to properly fertilize your lawn. A final feeding is vital to assure that lawns survive our harsh and bitter weather conditions. H&M Landscaping offers today's top performing fertilizers.

3. Planting beds and turf areas should be free of all debris and excess yard waste- such as leaves and branches. Remaining waste harms lawn surfaces by suffocating the smothered areas causing bare spots. H&M fall clean ups aid in your lawn's rejuvenation come spring.

4. When dealing with landscaped beds, shrubs should be properly pruned- promoting a healthy re-growth. Perennials should ideally be cut down during fall to eliminate unsightly perennial skeletal remains and also minimize shock to new growth in the spring.

I hope these tips help you during your fall clean up and winter preparation! If you have any questions, contact one of our friendly H&M Pros to help guide you along the way.

Alternative Landscape Design Options for Decks


H&M Landscape Design Team

Alternative Landscape Design Options for Decks in Cleveland Ohio When thinking about or designing a deck, do not limit the project materials to composite decking or treated lumber. Consider steel beams to traverse longer distances which can then be clad in decorative accent woods, incorporate stone inlays and use glass or cable railings. Angled vs. traditional layout and a curved vs. standard deck are options to preserve ideal views and separate different areas. With the advent of composite decking, such as TimberTech and TREX, it's now possible to have a curved deck that also includes a travertine tile inlay using a product by Silca System located in Alliance Ohio. Let the professionals at H&M; Landscaping help design your next deck project and bring that outdoor space of your dreams to life!

Protect Your Lawn Irrigation System Now


H&M Irrigation and Lighting Team

Protect Your Lawn Irrigation System in Cleveland Ohio What's the best way to protect the investment you have in your sprinkler system and to avoid unneeded costly repairs in the spring? Winterizing your sprinkler system involves removing water from the pipes, valves and sprinkler heads (in the proper sequence) and is essential before freezing occurs. With our harsh Cleveland winter just around the corner, now is the time to call H&M Landscaping to schedule your winter irrigation shut down by one of our professional irrigation technicians. It's the best way to protect your irrigation investment from potentially serious damage. Please give us a call today to schedule your appointment with our Irrigation Team.

Natural Stone Retaining Wall in Kirtland Ohio


H&M Construction Team

Natural Stone Retaining Wall Landscape Installation in Kirtland Ohio H&M Landscaping installed this natural stone retaining wall using "Rustic Buff Chunks" in Kirtland Ohio. The customer requested installation of a chunk stone retaining wall, 25 to 27 inches thick, due to a serious erosion issue on a steep hillside. It is important to install this type of wall on top of 3 to 4 inches of washed gravel base. Once the gravel base is installed, the stone can be installed in rows. As each row is installed, the wall must be back filled with #57 gravel to help with drainage behind the wall. This process continues until the wall and ground are level. If a natural stone retaining wall sounds like a good fit for your erosion problem, please contact our office and one of our sales associates will meet you for a free consultation.

Fall Yard Cleanups in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio


Eddie Murillo, Maintenance Supervisor

Cleveland Area Landscaping Services, Irrigation Winterization and Fall Yard Cleanups As summer finally winds down this week and the fall season begins, H&M will be doing hundreds of cleanups for all of our maintenance customers in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. We do weekly cleanups by removing all leaf debris from lawn and bed areas. This is done both manually and mechanically with the latest leaf blowing equipment.

Weekly maintenance of your lawn creates a clean and long lasting curb appeal. To maintain a beautiful lawn throughout our upcoming colorful fall season, please reach out to one of our team members today to ensure availability. We will be happy to stop by and give you a free estimate for discounted pricing.

Fall Landscape Planting Considerations for the Cleveland Area


H&M Landscaping Softscape Team

Cleveland Area Landscaping Fall Planting & Softscaping Considerations Fall can be the best time of year to transplant the shrubs or perennials that you have been wanting to transplant or split up. With the major Cleveland area heat waves gone and the longer days growing shorter, the plants are less stressed when we move them around the landscape, at the end of August and beginning of September especially. Be sure to keep all transplanted plants watered enough to keep the soil around them moist.

The cooler temperatures mean that it's time to think about planting bulbs as well. This is usually done in the fall when the leaves are starting to change colors. It can add some beautiful spring color to your landscape when they flower in April!

Wet Weather: Solve Your Landscape Drainage Issues


Mark Mazzurco, President

Cleveland Landscaping Drainage Issues Solved by EZFlow Most customers feel that when they have a drainage problem, their main concern is getting rid of the soggy area or the standing water they have in a particular area of their yard. With the recent flood producing rains, drainage problems can cause many forms of landscape damage in addition to that wet unsightly area. Here are several issues a drainage problem can cause:

1. Root rot on plants/turf causing plant loss or thinning grass
2. Water infiltration inside you house including musty smells
3. Stuctural damage from fungus and health issues from mold
4. Settling or uneven hydraulic pressure on patios & hardscapes
5. Freeze thaw issues in the winter from water saturated areas

Don't let water issues get you soaking wet under the collar! Most people think that the only way to resolve a drainage issue is by digging up the yard and bringing in tons of stone and perforated pipe. This ultimately results in having to replant all of the grass after tearing up the entire lawn.

We are here to debunk that myth. With today's technology, we can come into your yard, sod cut the area that you are having issues with, remove the dirt and install a new revolutionary product called EZflow. After installation, we put the sod right back in place over the top of your new drainage system. No more wheel barrels of stone and messy clean ups.

Northeast Ohio Summer Grass Issues & Fall Fertilization


Jerry Wilthew, Turf & Grounds Account Manager

Cleveland Ohio Landscaping - Violets in Lawn Solved with Fall Fertilization The rains have finally started falling again and the dog days of summer are almost behind us. Lawns have responded well to the much-needed precipitation we have experienced recently. Some lawns that have not responded well though have other issues that may need to be addressed. Heavy thatch layers, insect damage and fungus damage are a few that we have encountered. Deep thatch layers have to be removed to encourage better growth. Consider total removal or an ongoing, heavy aeration program; one quarter to one half inch thatch layers are considered acceptable.

Certain insect and fungal pathogens can kill the entire plant. Most just cause damage to the blades of the grass and you will see recovery. If you suspect total plant failure, you might consider over-seeding into bare areas.

Since most grass has greened up, you might think nothing needs to be done this fall. Do not forget to feed your turf. If you only fertilize once, fall is the time to do it. All the nutrients will be stored in the roots of the plants, enabling them to be ready for next summer. Fall is also an optimal time to deal with any unwanted weeds that have popped up this year.

Lawns are resilient systems that are built to withstand the stresses of summer. If you have any concerns about the health of yours, give us a call and we would be glad to help with suggestions to improve your curb appeal.

Paver Patio & Bocce Ball Court Hardscape Installation


Brian Franko, Hardscape Supervisor

Paver Patio Bocce Ball Court Installation in Cleveland H&M Landscaping had the pleasure of working with Mayfield Country Club to install a Bocce Ball Court and patio in their beautiful South Euclid, Ohio location. Surrounding the court are numerous VERSA-LOK seating walls and pillars, accented with Belgard Holland Stone in the Harvest Blend color. No patio entertainment area is ever complete without a custom-made fire pit with custom Sandstone caps to finish it off. The cherry on top for this project - we surrounded the area with colorful planting beds filled with beautiful trees, shrubs and perennials and peppered Canyon Tan outcropping stones throughout.

If an outdoor project like this is on your mind but you don't know where to start, call H&M Landscaping. One of our experienced sales representatives will be happy to meet you and help you to explore the endless possibilities. Give us a call today for a fast, friendly and above all, FREE estimate.

Cleveland Area Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Services


H&M Landscaping Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Team

Landscaping Irrigation Services and Landscape LED Lighting H&M Landscaping designs and installs landscape irrigation and lighting and can provide service to your existing system. With the lack of rain over the last few weeks, an irrigation system makes it much easier to keep your lawn and flower beds looking great all summer long. As the days start to grow shorter, landscape lighting lets you enjoy your yard and keep it safe well into the evening hours. We can change out your lamps to effecient LED lighting and diagnosis any electrical issue with your current lighting system. We offer irrigation maintenance plans for spring activations and winterization before the ground freezes up in the late fall. From routine service calls to quick fixes for system problems, call H&M Landscaping today for all your irrigation and lighting needs.

Seating Wall and Pergola Installation in Gates Mills


Steve Petersen, Senior Construction Supervisor

Seating Wall and Pergola Installation near Cleveland H&M Landscaping installed this Belgard, "Harvest Blend" color, Versa-Loc seating wall and pergola in Gates Mills Ohio. This was a surround to an existing patio with 3 posts anchored into the ground to support the pergola. We first, excavated down 10" and installed base material and compacted screenings for leveling. Once the base was ready, we set the Versa-Loc for the pillars and the walls using a construction adhesive to hold the wall together.

A sandstone cap was installed that features rock facing on both sides to give it a natural look and white fiberglass columns were added over the posts to match the front of the house. The strong frame for the pergola was constructed to support the cedar beams which were installed and fastened in place while the finishing touches on the corners were completed. If you would like a seating wall, pillars or a pergola like this built, please contact our office and a sales person would be happy to visit your site and assist you in the process.

H&M Landscaping Lawn Maintenance Division


H&M Landscaping Lawn & Maintenance Team

Cleveland's H&M Landscaping Lawn Maintenance Division H&M Landscaping Lawn Maintenance Division provides property maintenance to residential and commercial customers in the Greater Cleveland Area and all of Northeast Ohio.

Many of our clients are full service maintenance customers. We provide weekly lawn maintenance, shrub trimming, fertilizer, plant fertilizer, mulching, and both spring & fall clean-ups.

We strive to make each property we visit look the best it possibly can. Please call us today for a free, no obligation quote to get your property looking it's best!

Effective Weed Control for a Great Looking Lawn


Mark Mazzurco, President

Cleveland Landscaping Lawn Turf Services Those not so beautiful perennials that grow in the middle of your lawn, they're everywhere! Most people have them (unless of course you're an H&M customer) and everyone wants to know the best way get rid of them. Here are 3 ways to keep your lawn looking like a golf course fairway:

1. Fertilization: A 6 step program is the best way to keep weeds out of your lawn. The key is to keep your lawn growing thick and filling itself in.

2. Aeration: Aerating your lawn will reverse compaction of your soil and enable water and nutrients to reach the roots faster and easier.

3. Thatching: Removing that unsightly dead grass allows the existing turf to continue to spread and grow unhindered.

Call H&M Landscaping, Cleveland's #1 turf maintenance professionals, to manage your turf today. Come see the difference experience makes!

Stone Wall and Landscape Installation in Pepper Pike


H&M Construction Team

Stone Retaining Wall and Landscape Plantings installed in Pepper Pike near Cleveland Ohio H&M Landscaping installed a new stone wall and landscape plantings in Pepper Pike. We used Belgard's Versa Loc wall stone "Oxford Charcoal" for the entry wall and "Rustic Buff" and "Cannon Tan" stone for the wall along the driveway. The stone was set on #411 base with drain tile installed behind wall and backfilled with #57 washed gravel. For the front walkway, we used full range bluestone with 3" bluestone treads on the steps. Grey polymeric sand was installed between the joints to stabilize the walkway. The landscape beds were prepared and amended with bed mix. Plantings were then installed and mulched with double processed black mulch.

If you're interested in having a landscape installed like this, please contact our office and one of our sales associates will call you to set up and appointment.

Mid-Summer Landscape Pruning Tips for Northeast Ohio


Eddie Murrillo, Maintenance Supervisor

Mid-Summer Landscape Pruning of Trees and Shrubs in Northeast Ohio Mid-summer pruning can be difficult to do, especially when buds have already established. The majority of flowering trees, shrubs and perennial plants can be deadheaded to get the most color with new flowerings. However, keep in mind that many plants have already established new year buds. If you prune your shrubs any further (or not properly) and remove new year buds, this can cause problems in flowering for next spring. For example, Azaleas and Rhododendrons have already established buds for next year and should not be pruned but detailed instead.

The professional pruning and detailing crew at H&M Landscaping is experienced in a variety of shrubs, trees and perennial plants. To insure proper pruning and the best outcome for next spring, please give us a call and we will be more than happy to assist with all your landscaping needs.

Heat-proof Your Outdoor Living Space


Mark Barker, Landscape Design / Sales

Heat-proof Outdoor Living Space with Overhead Cedar Covered Kitchen in Richfield Ohio Do you have a cozy outdoor living space but can't seem to beat the summer heat? This customer in Richfield Ohio had a great outdoor living space but no where to take cover from the sun.

Installation of overhead cedar cover, Brussels block pillar, Brussels block outdoor kitchen with granite counters provided the comfortable living space they were looking for. The thermal mass from the block and granite, chilled by nighttime temperatures, help to cool the area during the day. The extra shade protects your family from harmful UV rays and also prevents outdoor furniture and upholstery from fading. Please call H&M Landscaping today and let us help you beat the heat this summer!

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio


Craig Kachline, Director of Construction Operations

Swimming Pool Installation & Renovation in Northeast Ohio H&M Landscaping was happy to provide this pool renovation in Gates Mills Ohio. This was a complete renovation including new Pentair pumps, heater, filter, and a salt water chlorine generator to make the daily maintenance easy. The pool deck is covered in Natural Cleft Bluestone. Olympic pool paint was used in the pool and an auto cover was installed.

We use Pentair and Haywood pool products, many with state-of-the-art automation and monitoring systems. There are many styles and options available that will work well for you and your family. If you already own a pool and are looking to spruce it up a bit (or are having some problems), let us know and we can lend a hand in making suggestions and provide a free quote. H&M Landscaping can install new pools of all kinds and renovate an old, tired, outdated pool to look brand new! Call our office today to find out what we can do for you.

Raised Patio and Paver Walkway in Solon Ohio


H&M Construction Team

Landscape Patio Paver Walkway Installed in Solon Ohio H&M Landscaping installed this raised patio, paver walkway and landscape plantings in Solon Ohio. We used Versa-Loc wall stone from Belgard (Harvest Blend) for the raised patio wall support and for the louvered seating wall around the lower patio. The Versa-Loc was set on #411 bases around the perimeter with #57 limestone compacted every 3" for the interior area which was filled to the top of the patio with geo-grid tied into the Versa-Loc every 2' to give the wall extra support. We used Cambridge Cobble paver for the patio and back walkway with the Holland Stone as the soldier course, for the border. Tan polymeric sand was installed between the joints of the stone. The landscape beds were amended with bed mix, plants installed and mulched with double process brown mulch. Landscape lighting was installed in the backyard to highlight the specimen trees and shrubs. If you are interested in having a landscape installed like this, please contact our office and one of our sales associates will call you to set up an appointment.

Cleveland Area Irrigation System Installation & Maintenance


Nick Tinik, Director of Maintenance Operations

Landscape Irrigation Repair and Installs in Cleveland It's been dry this past week for a change and temperatures are expected to climb here in Northeast Ohio. With all the effort and hard work you've put into your yard, is your investment protected with a worry free irrigation system? Call the irrigation experts at H&M Landscaping(servicing the entire Greater Cleveland Area) to get an old system up and running, or for a complete new install. Our staff is well versed in all types of systems- including drip irrigation, pop-up heads, rotors and spray misters. We use quality products from Hunter, Rain Bird and Toro to give you a maintenance free system with outstanding results. We've got you covered with new installs on everything from newly seeded lawns or sod, to gardens, flowers, trees and shrubs. Give our office a call today and one of our irrigation specialists will gladly assist you!

Outdoor Entertainment Area: Landscape Design in Hamden Ohio


Kevin McCausland, Assistant Production Manager

Cedar Pergola Bluestone Patio Landscape Design in Hamden Ohio H&M completed this design/build project for a homeowner in Hamden, Ohio. Our customer wanted us to design an outdoor entertainment area where they could host small get-togethers or just enjoy an outdoor living space as a family in the evenings. We came up with several ideas and suggestions and with the help of one of our designers, we put it all together in a professional design drawing so the customer could visualize the work we would be performing. Upon agreement, we installed a custom Cultured Stone fireplace in San Francisco Cobblefield color with sandstone caps on each tier.

We also built and installed a 100% Cedar pergola over top of a uniquely designed bluestone patio with custom inlays. We tied it all together by adding this Barnstone fountainscape on the other side of the patio to provide a peaceful, relaxing ambiance. The recent warm and dry weather is perfect for building projects like this. Call H&M today to schedule an appointment to have an account manager stop by and see what we can do for you!

Landscape Enhancements: Take Your Property to the Next Level


H&M Landscape Enhancement Team

Landscape Enhancements like this Waterfall will Take Your Property to the Next Level There are many ways to enhance the look of your property. For some, it may be a new patio, deck or pool. For others, the installation of new flowers, shrubs or trees may be all it takes to give a fresh, new appearance. Stone features are one way of giving your landscape a great look. We can supply and install a variety of different stone features, including waterfalls. This addition can give your property the final touch it needs to achieve "eye-catching" status.

Call H&M Landscaping today to schedule an appointment with one of our sales representatives to see what we can suggest to take your landscape to the next level.

Safety Quality Production - H&M's COVID-19 Safety Plan


Chris White, Executive Vice President

H&M Landscaping - Safety Quality Production with COVID-19 Speed - Quality - Price. Pick two! That is the old joke and many businesses hang this statement, tongue in cheek of course, in their establishments. An industry mentor and friend made me look at things in a different way. Ben Gandy told me "Safety - Quality - Production". (And you get all three). That resonated with me because I always want my staff to be safe which leads to our customers, and the public, benefitting. In the landscaping industry, safety usually means ear plugs, eye protection and making sure rocks are not thrown through windows from weed eaters. COVID-19 changed this all!

One of the odd things over the last two months was - we didn't know how to be safe in this new world. The guidance was spotty for businesses (masks or no masks, where does the virus live and for how long, how do we interact and communicate safely). It is a great time for innovation and experimentation because, what else are we going to do?

On a personal level, and as a proud Ohioan, I think Governor DeWine and Dr. Acton did an amazing job helping lead our state. Between their guidance and the CDC guidance, I was able to put together a COVID-19 Safety Plan for our staff that (so far) has allowed us to do our jobs. I watched what other industries were doing and how they were adapting. Grocery stores added plexiglass barriers. We installed barriers in our crew cab trucks so we could put more than one person in a truck. Cushman Wakefield put out a great video on Six Foot Office. We modified our floor plan so staff could return to our offices. One of our biggest hurdles early on was the reduction of fear of coming to work. We had several staff that were too scared to work. We implemented a sanitizing regimen early on, and continue to clean vehicles, offices, and high-touch surfaces. The most important process that improved was communication.

Communication about safety was paramount to our success. We had meetings in our yard (properly distanced) about safe behavior. We held brainstorming sessions to generate ideas about best practices. We held weekly Town Hall meetings to keep our people informed and give opportunities to ask questions. And so far, we have lived our Core Value of "Everyone Goes Home Safe." This is not to say we didn't have some scares. We had some drama. We had real fear, especially early on. And again, I found that communication was the solution that led to improved safety.

One of the rules of safety is - "safety is not negotiable." This puts in perspective that safety is truly black or white - either we are safe, or we are not. I also believe that current conditions require being mindful and respectful of each other as well. This situation has caused some controversy in many ways, and we need to remember that when we work together - great things happen. Our team worked together to break down barriers (only to install plexiglass barriers) for safety. For this, I am proud and grateful.

As we move forward, I realize this really goes back to fundamentals. Communicate to the people, allow them to contribute. Help them belong and feel safe. Work together for the greater good. Be mindful and respectful. Given the current reality, these things have not changed- but because there is still a virus out there, we do these safely from six feet away!

Want to relieve some stress? Try gardening this year!


H&M Business Development Team

Raised Planter Box Garden by H&M Landscaping It's a proven fact, whether you take a break at work to help tend a community garden on site or come home from a tough day at work, tending to a garden is both relaxing and gratifying. H&M Landscaping employees consider themselves professional gardeners and we can help you get started this Spring with valuable advice to insure your efforts are a success. We have built large flower and vegetable gardens on corporate campuses for employees to relax and take some stress out of their day while they show off their horticultural skills. Our teams also build raised gardens for homeowners who want to plant and watch their garden grow, but may not have the time to do the initial set-up. Our landscape teams can also advise you on the best plant selections and timing of your garden to match our unpredictable Northeast Ohio weather. Give us a call today and we will set up an appointment to discuss your gardening project.

Hardscape Renovation in Richfield Ohio


Mark Barker, Landscape Design / Sales

Hardscape Landscaping Restoration in Richfield Ohio Do you currently have concrete or paver surfaces that are starting to show wear or are simply just falling apart? H&M Landscaping was called upon by a customer to provide advice and a solution to a failing masonry wall that supported their upper patio and swimming pool, along with stamped concrete surfaces that had become very dull and faded over the last several years. While meeting with the home owner, it was evident that this was an area where they spent much of their summer as a family and it was truly important to them that we provide a sustainable solution so they could continue to enjoy this space for years to come.

H&M Landscaping provided them with a solution to rebuild all the masonry retaining walls with Boral Ledge stone Cultured stone and poured concrete coping on the tops of walls. We also stripped the surface of all stamped concrete and applied Scofield Revive exterior concrete antiquing stain- all with a project timeline of 7 weeks. At the end of the project the owner was ecstatic to have a backyard that exceeded their expectations and a beautiful setting to enjoy for years to come. If you have a space requiring restoration or renovation please contact our office and we would be happy to schedule a consultation to offer a solution to your needs.

Cleveland Area Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Services


Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Team

Cleveland Area Landscaping Irrigation and Landscape Lighting Services H&M Landscaping not only designs and installs new landscape irrigation and lighting, we also provide service to existing irrigation and lighting systems in order to keep them working for you as long as possible. Whether it's an adjustment to bulbs or diagnosis of an electrical issue with your lighting, our trained and knowledgeable crew can help you. We also offer irrigation maintenance for spring system activation and winterization when the dreaded cold comes back. From routine service to quick help for system problems, call us today for all your irrigation system and landscape lighting needs.

Spring Landscape Maintenance: Mulching & Clean-ups


Our Maintenance Account Managers

H&M Landscaping Maintenance Mulching Clean-up in Cleveland The snow may still be flying, but it's time to think about all of the warm days ahead! This is the best time to get your yard off to a good start and turn your summertime plans into reality. H&M Landscaping offers a wide variety of services - from a spring clean-up and mulching, to a deluxe maintenance program to cover all of your landscaping needs. You no longer have to lift a finger! Just sit back, relax and enjoy your beautiful yard.

Call us now (to beat the rush) and one of our experienced representatives will be happy to discuss your property's potential and all of your landscape needs for the upcoming season.

Professional Landscaping Spring Yard Clean-up


Our Turf & Grounds Account Managers

Cleveland Landscaping Spring Yard Clean-up H&M Landscaping Spring landscape clean-ups are a vital part of maintaining the value and appearance of your home. Once spring comes around, your grass and spring time blooms may not be able to grow or recover from the intense freeze/thaw cycles we experienced this winter. Most homeowners do not realize the importance of of this yard clean-up aside from just the overall improved look. The main benefit you will gain from a professional yard cleanup by H&M is preventative buildup of debris and organic matter which can form a blanket which acts as a barrier between your grass and the sunlight. It can also end up blocking out water, oxygen and other crucial nutrients. When this blockage is left unresolved it can cause harm to your lawn. You should not assume this material will break down on its own. When properly chopped up and used as an organic mulch, it can be beneficial to plant life. If left on top to cover, it may smother your grass, flowers and other desirable plants.

H&M Landscaping has decades of experience taking care of this type of work and we know what goes into creating a stunning and healthy yard. Scheduling a thorough spring cleanup right now is critical to getting your landscape ready for the upcoming season. Contact us today if you would like our experts to reach out to discuss all of our landscape services.

Spring Tips for a Great Looking Lawn


Jerry Wilthew, Turf & Grounds Account Manager

Cleveland Landscaping Lawn Turf Services Another winter has passed us by and spring is here. We had the 2nd warmest February on record and above average temperatures for March. With that warmth, a lot of plants have been pushing growth. The weeds have been quite active along with everything else. Here are a few observations to keep in mind for this upcoming season:

1. Now is the time to get preventative crabgrass control down. If you happen to have bare spots in lawns that you want over seeded, you might want to skip over these spots to help growth of new seedlings. Remember the crabgrass control is a pre-emergent herbicide that keeps things from germinating.

2. Have a plan in mind for care of the lawn this summer. Feeding it is always important, but water is just as important. Any fertilizer that goes down needs water to help it get into the plant.

3. Cut at the proper height. Most cool season grasses like to be 2" or higher. You might want it to look like the country club fairway, but you are not set up to take care of it at that height.

4. If you are not sure what to do, give someone a call. You probably call a doctor when you are sick or a plumber when the pipes back up. Give us a call with your lawn issues.

Recovering from Snow Mold Damage


Eddie Murillo, Maintenance Supervisor

Lawn Landscaping Snow Mold It's that time of year again, spring is finally here. H&M Landscaping has been busy doing spring clean-ups and I would like to share some helpful information that we have come across regarding snow mold. The most common types are grey snow mold and pink snow mold, named for their appearance. Both can develop during periods of cool damp weather, under a layer of snow. After time, the mold grows and can be seen after snow melt as either pink or grey round patches in your lawn. An improper fall clean-up of leaves and/or inadequate final cutting are major contributors to lawn mold growth over the winter months.

To address this condition, these areas should be raked through several times and the matted grass can be removed, allowing the grass to recover. A spring fertilizer application will also help grass recover more fully. In severe cases, some areas of turf may need to be removed- which will then require the addition of new soil and over seeding. If your yard is suffering from snow mold and you need lawn care assistance, please call us and one of our team members can help you with all of your landscaping needs.

Northeast Ohio Landscape Design and Installation


Craig Kachline, Director of Construction Operations

Swimming Pool Installation near Cleveland Do you have cabin fever? Are you feeling the winter blues? Well let's start thinking of spring flowers, the sun shining and enjoying the outdoors. We are having some great weather here in Northeast Ohio and we can start sprucing up your yard for spring and building a deck or refinishing a pre-existing deck. Consider adding some pops of color with flowers, fresh mulch and a deck to enjoy all of your holiday parties and summer evenings. Upgrading your outdoor space is also a great way to add curb appeal and resale value to your home. H&M Landscaping strives to exceed our customers expectations with a landscape design and installation to provide that outdoor lifestyle you dream of.

No matter if your yard is large or small we can design an area that fits your needs. A small paver patio, a refinished deck or a new multi-level deck with a pool will give you a space outside to relax after a hard day at work. H&M will work with your budget and ideas to provide a design that is customized for you and your family. We also provide year round up-keep of yards and landscapes with spring and fall cleanups to keep your new oasis pristine and beautiful.

Cleveland Area Landscaping: Spring Cleanups


Nick Tinik, Director of Maintenance Operations

Cleveland Landscaping Services, Landscape Bed Edging, Mulching and Spring Yard Cleanups With the spring season fast approaching, it's time to start thinking about getting your yard or business landscape back in shape. H&M Landscaping will soon be out in full force around the Greater Cleveland Area cleaning up any organic debris remaining from fall and winter. Nothing says spring like a nice deep edge on the beds and the smell of some fresh organic mulch. Give us a call and get a free estimate from one of our sales specialists today!

H&M is "Best in Show" at Cleveland's Home+Garden Show


Kathy Hupp, Office Assistant

H&M Landscaping takes Best in Show The Cleveland Home & Garden Show H&M Landscaping is honored to have received the "Best in Show" award at the Great Big Home + Garden show that concluded yesterday. We hope you had the opportunity to visit our booth while you were there and see our award-winning Vintage River Falls display. If you did not, now is the time to call our office at 440-564-1157 to schedule a design consultation. One of our sales associates will be more than happy to meet to discuss your landscape dreams for this season.

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